This 100%. I also can’t seem to understand why they don’t, can’t or won’t see these problems which are incredibly obvious to us.
The only thing I can think is that they dont actually play the game? I know they say they do, but how can you play the game and not fix the issues that everyone else has so clearly laid out for you time and time again?
It’s honestly amazing that they managed to copy so much from TF2 without seeing the maining problem coming.
I’m not sure Ashe was that bad of a call at most skill levels.
The game was also designed with the ability to stack heroes. It’s easier to force swapping/change the match via swapping if you can dump 2+ people on one hero.
Ashe was the least necessary hero we needed in this game and the devs knew that.
She was literally, “HEY that NPC looks cool! Let’s maker her into a hero!”
If the devs really cared, they would’ve restrained themselves from fanboying over a concept art and made a hero that was actually necessary for the game and the community.
I seriously think they took up HEAVY drinking. It is also why I don’t think we will see another Mercy rebuild. They don’t have the therapists requires for the team to even look at it without some of them breaking down in tears.
The sheer delusion to call Overwatch “rushed”…
Every time I play this game, I appreciate the staggering amount of effort that went into making Overwatch the highest quality FPS ever made. Blizzard probably spent more money making a single hero for Overwatch than you will make in your entire life.
They could make maps a little bit larger and lock 2/3DPS/2 or 2/4DPS/2 so you have tanks and supports but also DPS with short queue times. It would be fun too.
Imagine diving with Winston, D.Va, Genji, Tracer, Soldier, Lucio and Mercy. Or even add/change Sombra in that…
Overwatch with limited guaranteed amount of Tanks and Supports to help enable the DPS and not replace them (specially in the competitive scene)
round 2007, he started work on Blizzard’s next venture into the MMO — massive multiplayer online game — world, a game called “Titan.”
“Titan” was not-so-secretly in development for about seven years, but before Blizzard could even officially announce its existence, it was cancelled in September 2013. In November 2014, Blizzard announced its brand-new multiplayer shooter, “Overwatch.” It was assembled — at least in part — from the remains of “Titan.”
Yearly cod games have a 3 year development cycle .
Overwatch had 1.
Do you seriously think Blizzard was just working for 7 years on making Furby-Runescape and scrapped the whole thing and made Overwatch from scratch in a year? Even if they did, would it matter?
Do you seriously think COD games have a sliver of the quality of Overwatch? What’s the point of this comparison?
You can dislike Overwatch as a game, but to call any part of the game rushed, low-quality, or low-effort is completely delusional.
Since the companies merged I don’t know if there is much of a difference between cod devs and overwatch devs. They’ve also worked together on some aspects of overwatch.
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Now from Jeff’s own interview he said they restarted from scratch basically. If you want a call Jeff a liar I won’t call you delusional but I also can’t say that you know better than him.
IF they did start from scratch (off course they had most the assets already) and they didn’t have FPS experience 1 year really does seem like a very short time to make the game.
If you look at a typical Blizzard game development cycle, they tend to take quite a while. Then if you look at Overwatch, it moved at lightspeed. Project Titan wasted 7 years and over $70 million and shareholders were less than pleased at the time. Overwatch was one of the ideas tossed around at the time to recoup that money and please the investors.
And it worked. Overwatch made them bank in 2016.
The OWL League, I’ve always felt, was Kotich’s experiment to see if such a format could work, become popular, and make a lot of money. They said that Season 1 was a financial success, and I’ve no doubt Season 2 has been as well. And look what Activision-Blizzard is doing now: They’ve already sold several team slots for the upcoming CoD League. And as far as Kotich and the core of Activision is concerned, CoD is the golden child. The OWL experiment has now allowed them to create a League for their baby.
It worked but all for the wrong reasons.
-new IP for blizzard since years
-first time trying on the FPS genre for them
-and most importantly, no one knew what they are getting into it. Before comp mode came, nobody really cared that much about balance as long as the game was fun