Is the forum extremely bias Against flankers?

1- Their mains pick them regardless of team comp.
2- They demand pockets and do all stupid stuff related to dps(go 1v6, let their healers die even though they are to their literal side, are toxic when are not babysat).
3- They think they are better than the rest of the team.
4-Because they instalock(even if the flex player picks dps first), flex players cannot play dps, raising frustration.
5- They cant be bothered to learn ANYTHING that is not dps.
6- Even if they didnt bother to play anything that is not dps, they could redeem themselves if they were team players.They are not. Period.

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Yes they do. Back when Dive was meta you’d get silver/gold Mercy mains who’d get killed by a lone Tracer exclaiming “I’m so tired of dive!!!1!” Even though they’d never actually played against anything close to dive.

Because rather than mostly being good against supports

They can also go toe to toe with Tanks and other DPS and pull out on top

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You’re the one making a claim here, so if nobody believes you, then your claim is pointless. If you keep making a claim without proof, then it only further undermines your point.

I “jumped in” because this is a public thread and you made a claim. I get to call BS on it, which I did. If you don’t have time to prove what you’re saying is true to random strangers, then those random strangers also have no time to listen to your unsubstantiated claims.

Doesn’t mean anything.

I don’t have to prove anything. Burden of proof is on you, since YOU are the one making a claim. Making a claim that you can’t back up with proof is essentially lying.

As I said, feel free to provide the proof that says otherwise. Otherwise, your claim continues to be meaningless.

What does this have to do with what you asked me?

These are excuses. You’ve had 28 games to pull your winrate with Sombra up to demonstrate that your strategies are effective. Instead, though, you’re blaming “randoms” on your team.

Thanks for confirming what I said, though: the strategies you’ve mentioned here only work against teams with no awareness and no positioning. Because the same “randoms” you’re blaming on your losses are also on the other team.

Quick play doesn’t mean a darn thing.

Flankers are mostly disliked for their independent playstyle: they leave team in 5v6 to go through different routes to get to enemy backline, which can result in them returning, when all teammates are already dead. They use teammates as living bait, but can’t even bring them back, like Mercy could.