I always see people saying her M1 is terrible, but I haven’t had too much luck using her right click either. It’s simply too small and too slow to hit anyone outside of point blank range if they’re paying attention. I either have to slow the enemies movements with turrets or spam down a choke to hit people most of the time.
they aren’t that great, no
they’re just a zoning tool for “don’t step here” and “pay attention to me over here and less to my allies” mostly, due to the inaccuracy
i mean, they can still be used for burst in melee, which is still decent
but, it’s not “bad” overall to have this concept on a hero that should have a beam doing the bulk of the damage if enemies get too close, or from turrets while the orbs/team is distracting them enough to get some good chip damage from them, or just causing more area denial in general
it’s still an overall kit as a whole that causes the orbs and beam to seem worse than they are, if she just wasn’t super ultra squishy, then they would both be acceptable, and even her beam might seem to be a bit “too” strong, at that point, with all the recent buffs to the charge time, and hitbox (tickrate ignored as a “buff”, because it shouldn’t have been busted in the first place)
i think they’re fine, if they just fixed symmetra’s sustain issue, so she could more reliably use her beam for real damage
I prefer her old RMB with the slow, barrier & player piercing orbs, vs her current fast orbs like pharah rockets.
Having that ability to hold chokes & break chokes at range would work perfect with her current kit- her primary has a decent enough range to hold up on its own now if enemy gets too close, and sentries of course.
I guess my biggest thing about her current orbs now is that they’re mainly just trash damage. Sometimes I’m able to pick out and aim kills with them, mostly against squishies, but usually if the enemy pays attention at all, then they’re not fast enough - to get around barriers etc, or not fast enough to avoid being dodged or mitigated with healing - just not fast enough. Period.
I prefer the older slow piercing ones that had a clear and useful, and effective purpose.
Neither attack is terrible.
pretty sure everyone did
but this is arguably why they changed it
it’s not really great to be spammed with damage when you’re behind a barrier
only things that go through now are melee attacks, moira’s orb and reinhardt’s flame strike, but none of these are spammable with 180 burst damage each time from range
if they release a new hero with a spammable piercing ranged damage attack, then it’s unacceptable to have them removed from symmetra, but at this point i think we need to accept that it’s probably for the best that something this strong isn’t in the game
current ones could be better, yes, agreed
No, it’s bloody magnificent when you can consistently land it. Sym should build up M1 off of tanks/shields.
How much do you play projectile heroes? As someone who prefers projectiles to hitscan (and used her old orbs when they were super slow), I like her orbs a lot despite missing the barrier piercing. So it could be personal preference if you’re not used to leading your targets, but I think they’re objectively better than her primary outside of very specific examples like hitting tanks with max charge.
No actually. The mechanic was good, but Sym needed at least a smidge of range. The only way they could make her orbs fill that is more speed both in charging and in travel speed. The charge speed and travel speed are why they don’t pierce. If her current orbs pierced they’d be broken.
Good luck staying alive while doing that.
I’m fine with them both right now
her primary is 100% the situational one
her secondary is the more viable damage in my experience
either i’m reading this wrong or you’re misinterpreting what i meant
i said it’s not good to be spammed with damage behind a barrier, as in it’s too powerful to exist in the game, it’s too much damage that can’t be avoided easily, because your backline wouldn’t see it coming, therefore you’re taking too much damage thinking you’re in a safe location behind a barrier
piercing orbs were “too” good, is what i’m saying
unless they release another spammy piercing mechanic, then i’ll riot and say symmetra needs it back
Too small? Their hitbox is massive.
I disagree. She’s the only hero that could consistently do it, and the slow travel speed and charge time made it completely balanced. Dva could still eat them and Zarya could get so much charge from just one of them since they pierced.
Reins firestrike is what, 7s? I’d consider that spam through barriers and it’s completely fine. Since the orb was almost unusable under other circumstances that didn’t involve hallways or corners, piercing was fine.
Her orbs will easily kill a slightly damaged Tracer in one shot, I’ve done it many times.
But it’s more useful for spamming choke points, and because of it’s infinite range, taking out Sentry Bastion and turrets.
The only way? Are you sure?
You know, there was always this one little useless thing in her kit. Her insta release orbs. They could change them to fill that niche easily, while keeping piercing orbs.
Overall, orbs are not bad. At least that’s my thinking, until I actually compare it to every other DPS weapon in the game. Then it starts to suck.
does that mean she needs to be a must-pick-super-hard-counter to bastion behind rein/orisa barrier?
like, i dunno, it just seems a bit too strong
sure, zarya can get stronger from them, and d.va can d.lete them, but even still, symmetra could just keep going, well beyond their ability to prevent them from coming
it’s fine if you disagree, but as long as there isn’t a similar mechanic in the game, sure it’s an opinion, but i’m mildly okay with them removing it from symmetra, even if i preferred it and really liked having it, because i can definitely see why it’s a pretty wonky mechanic to have, when people think they’re safe behind barriers
i wouldn’t really call it spam if you’re doing something else in between, spam would mean you’d be able to repeat it right after itself without doing anything else
firestrike is fine, because it deals 100 damage and, again, people can recuperate before another one comes at them, rather than her previous orbs which multiple could be in the air at a time, 2-shotting squishies behind barriers if they weren’t healed fast enough
but, again, the second they add another spammy damage through barriers on someone else, i’ll be back to retract all these statements and shame the devs for re-introducing it, unless it’s specifically on symmetra
I agree actually. Her little orbs being genuinely uselsss isn’t talked about enough and were only acceptable with her pierce because they could net you very quick bits of ult charge if you needed it.
Idk tho. At this point it’d be better to leave the pierce off entirely for consistency sake.
Consistency is all Symmetra doesn’t have, so…
make a thread and i’ll be there
this bugs me a lot, too
sometimes i see enemy symmetra doing it and i’m like “why… does this exist”
It would’ve been cool if the low charge shots had been changed to a light javelin with lower damage, but waaaaay faster firerate and headshot potential, like Mei’s icicles.