🛰 Is Sym Good.....?

When you forget Sym could be Evil if she wanted to be. (Still in the Dark for that Lore-wise… with no Hard Light in Sight. :kissing_heart: )


Thought you were talking about gameplay wise.
Still f tier but thanks to hidden buff now is more useful

Which hidden buff? The one from two patches ago?

I know I said that felt good but didn’t mean I was planning on playing her.

Her kit still not acceptable for a Dps, nor the others.

The one with -3 armor

… yes… but it’s also a hidden nerf cause I am pretty sure Reaper just Deletes you now, when before you had some warning.

fixed tickrate bigger beam hitbox and soon the armor nerf.
she is getting very effective as a turret damage hero.


don’t let reaper get close to you. You damn symm, you shouldn’t even stand alone to be an easy target for reaper.

Well most People haven’t been playing him right as a Lurker.

They been playing him like he some sort of special McCree.

If Reaper is played correctly, Sym has no chance with Mercy. (:kissing_heart:)

Against team with zero awareness and no sound?
Ok, no chance? Then you are a poor symm because you play without your team without setting up the location with sentries etc.

Just wait I guess, you will see what I mean.

Similar situation happen once with 76. (Before the new forums existed)

Oof, a real evil Symmetra in the lore could be really dangerous, especially since her hard-lighting technology is superior to any other person.
( I love how innocent and hopefull she is, but that can be corrupted if she finds the truth about Vishkar :thinking: An evil Symmetra is a posibility )

Imagine her deciding… we don’t need these buildings anymore…”Snap”