Is Sombra a real hero?

Doomfist’s RMB should be deletable by Defense Matrix. Genji should break his legs whenever he double jumps. McCree’s roll should travel 14m. Pharah should ony be allowed to deal knockback. Reaper should be gay. Soldier’s rockets should be more like micro-missiles. Sombra should be instantly killed if hit while in invis. Tracer should phase out of existence if she uses Recall as a bullet hits her. Bastion should deal the same damage as Mercy’s gun. Hanzo should be given two bows. Junkrat should be able to instagib enemies. Mei should suffer brain damage when using cryo-freeze, and be able to run on ice she shoots at the ground. Torbjorn’s turret should fly. Widowmaker should instantly die upon pick due to the lack of blood in her veins. D.Va’s mech should be completely disabled if Sombra hacks it. Orisa should be able to pull D.Va out of her mech with halt. Reinhardt should be able to instantly smash D.Va’s cockpit. Roadhog should marry D.Va. Winston should be able to double jump. Zarya should be able to sink into the ground like a mole. Ana should fill her sleep dart with cyanide. Brigitte should break her arms every time she shield bashes into a wall. Lucio should deafen anyone in a 50m radius when he ults. Mercy should have two guns. Moira’s hair should turn yellow when ulting. Symmetra should be removed. Zen should be allowed to walk.

What the hell is going on here?

I’m pretty sure reaper already is gay

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This was a fantastic read by you two

I broke MSpowerpoint

What did I just read and why did i enjoy it?

I don’t know. Maybe you enjoy everything, no one knows

Except this game. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I don’t enjoy this game either, but somehow I still play it.

Masochism is a wonderous thing, isn’t it?

Nothing is wonderous.

Oh you’re right I’m sorry I forgot we were supposed to hate the world.

So… you’re telling me you secretly love the world? INTO THE CAGE YOU GO, BAD DOG!

NO! PLEASE! I’ll change, I promise! :sob::sob::sob:

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I don’t trust you. Stop lying.

Why won’t you trust me? ;_;

You always lie. I know who you are.

I’ve been found out!

Now everyone knows the truth about you.