Is soldier good, or has he been powercrept out of being a decent pick?

that’s what gets me when i play him. someone will be standing still, within 30 feet, yet i just don’t do damage due to that bloom of his.

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I mean, sure. But Soldier can harass you from high ground all day long, and in truth with his damage buffs it’s less of ‘harass’ than ‘burst you down in a second’. The heal station gives him great staying power and the sprint lets him get away with a lot of flanking or re-positioning so he’s often not where you expected him to be.

I agree that Soldier’s kit doesn’t look amazing on paper, but I run into a lot of really good players who dominate the match with him. Probably more often than I run into Ashe or McCree players that do the same.

The bloom makes it impossible to be consistent with him in scoring kills.

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In a game like this, Harass isn’t valuable. Harassing just translates to “Charging up the enemy support ultimates”.

One of the reasons Widow is such high value is that she does unhealable damage with a 1-shot kill.

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Still a “Go to” for problematic Echoes.

Soldier 76 is insanely strong relative to himself - almost every part of his kit has been made more powerful to the point that he is even stronger than he was during the Season 3 triple-tank meta when the devs described him as a must-pick. He is basically the textbook definition of powercreep in Overwatch.

He is weak relative to the current hard-hitters in the Damage roster because his burst damage is on a cooldown. Why use Soldier 76 when Ashe, McCree, Widowmaker and Hanzo are all better options? Just like so many other heroes, Soldier 76 isn’t weak because of Tanks or Supports - he’s weak because a few Damage heroes are too strong in comparison. The sooner the community (and Blizzard) acknowledge this, the sooner the powercreep madness will end.

This means that against certain off-meta compositions (usually more likely found in Quick Play or lower competitive ranks) like double off-tank or no-sniper teams he can perform very well. In the current meta though? Not so much. According to the Overbuff stats, the one exception seems to be the higher ranks where his winrate increases - probably because there are some one-tricks at those ranks determined to make him work and their aim is godly.


but ashe can nearly 1 shot you. add the dynamite and she makes healing a chore.
and her ult isn’t a “shoot me” sign, since enemies gotta smash through 1200 hp 110 dps bob- AND deal with you, most likely from a different angle.

Well, I did say that Soldier harassment usually resulted in dead Ashe. But also, a soldier who consistently dominates the high ground prevents you from doing much of anything. I’ve had Soldier players who just ran the match that way, you never knew when they’re just pop up and murder you.

Except Soldier doesn’t have easy access to high ground compared to Ashe or Widow. It’s either inaccessible or he has to run a decent part around the map to get there.


Yeah, but Soldier can hold the high ground and Ashe can’t. Ashe has no sustain. You do damage to her and she has to retreat or drop down. Soldier can use his sustain to keep the high ground and force you away, so once he’s up there he’s a huge pain to dislodge with Ashe.

And with his sustain fighting him on the high ground, from low, is almost functionally impossible.

Only if you can’t aim.

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ashe can both get herself onto the high ground faster than he can, and also knock other people off, so i’ll have to disagree with you on that point.

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You’re comparing a competent Soldier vs an incompetent Ashe. Ashe has a fast disengage with her coach gun and her sniper-nests are often close to a health pack.

Ashe only needs 2 bullets to get Soldier down, 1 if she drops her bomb up there. Burst damage > Sustained healing.

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Great, pop up with your coach gun when he’s already up there. It’ll be an amusing skeet shooting challenge for him.

Except it literally does almost word for word.

Quit trying to redefine this and take the L dude.

Also did you seriously list every single update to supports and tanks, and still somehow come the conclusion they’re stronger?

That’s just confirmation bias at it’s finest.


Every hero is good if the player is good with them.

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or, sneak behind him and knock him off with the coach gun, then shoot him as he attempts to regain the high ground. or use dynamite to make him move to a health pack/bait out biotic field.

she’s got more and better options for damage, and a superior range.

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It didn’t used to be true for Soldier. Back when Ashe was new he was a useless pushover and I knew that I could almost always beat a Soldier player. McCree, too.

Now, it’s not true for either, and a good Soldier is a threat and a menace. The difference in how they feel to fight is huge.

No, soldier is literally a throw pick still.

Soldier 76 is a great hero on Flatgrass.

Soldier 76 is a terrible hero on maps with any amount of complexity, or advantage.

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