Is Scion the best Hanzo skin he's ever going to get?

I hate hanzo*

I got scion skin, and they are reworking him.

I might be playing Hanzo a lot more*

That skin is tight as ff…

Scion hanzo is foine. A lot of these event skins got me bothered.

the sleeve on he shirt is not good, but all other things are god tier XD

If i could use the Kabuki bow with the Scion skin, then I wouldn’t need another skin for him.

I like his Anniversary and Kabuki skins more than I like his Scion skin. The Scion skin is great but the anime hair makes him look like Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney.

Of course you aren’t! It looks so… Pro, and scary. I totally want that skin, but I bought Scion so it’s only 3rd in my list of priorities for Anniversary. (Jazzy and Graffiti being before it)

You know, I don’t think Scion Hanzo is that good. But I think this is just a matter of taste. I’m not a big fan of suits anyway, and the hairstyle is far too simplistic for me. I’d rate Cyberninja, Kabuki and Casual over it.

I’m glad they went with a different style though. That’s the fantasy skins should fulfill. Different art styles and designs to characters. Scion Hanzo definitely fulfills a lot of fantasies that the other skins didn’t cover.


Just googled; can confirm. Also I hate you.

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This. And winter fashion is always cozy.

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Ahhhhh… if Casual had non-saggy pants I’d actually rotate between it and Scion. I can dig the baggy pants, just not the sag!!! T_T

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Im a Hanzo player and i dont like Scion and i dont like Kabuki. My favorite is Casual becuase of the clothes but i dont like the piercing and earrings. Also i dont use the skin because of the extra crosshair from the bow, its disturbing.
I use young Hanzo, hes ugly as f… but he have one of the bests views from ego perspective.

I would wish they add a skin like that, that would be my style or taste.

h ttps://

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Scion is turning me into a Hanzo main.


Just like soldier 24 is turning me into a reaper main.

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Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?

I’m bout that ninja life so his anniversary skin is the best to me

Well it’s certainly served something to me, hot damn.