Is saying "ez" after a game punishable?

ez is punishable because the overwatch community is literally oversensitive

I think I’m gonna need to contact support to see if saying EZ is actually punishable.

No and who cares? It’s not that big of a deal.

nobody is behaving like the world is ending. they’re just clicking report because they’d rather not play with people who feel the need to be poor winners.

If there were threads and threads of people decrying the unfairness of people saying “ez” and still remaining in the game then perhaps that’d be close to what you propose. But what’s happening here is people are asking “is it ok to say this thing?” and people saying “no, you’ll get reported”.


The only legit answer is…

It is if someone reports you for it.

Just like playing off meta is “reportable”, even though Blizzard says you cant be banned for it.

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So you didn’t get the answer you wanted… have fun with the block of TOS language you’re gonna get back if anything.

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I report every time I lose. I’m literally the best, I consider it taunting to not give me the win.


Oh look, l the voice of reason has arrived. What next, saying ‘Hello’ is offensive because some infant took offence one time?

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Look how self-righteous he is:

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Just because something offends you doesn’t mean that you’re right.


Sure, you’re in control of your response, but it shouldn’t be the responsibility of the person being threatened with physical violence to defuse the situation. If someone is sending me death threats over a video game, I shouldn’t be expected or asked to just laugh it off or let it go. Sure, the likelihood of them actually carrying out that threat is practically non-existent and I do think it’s a little funny that someone is getting that upset over a video game that they feel the need to threaten someone’s life, but I still do not like death threats and I will not tolerate them, even if it’s “just a joke”.

Saying that offense is taken and not given is not an excuse to be a jerk. You don’t get to be rude to someone then absolve yourself of it because someone wouldn’t tolerate your insults or attitude.


Has the Overwatch community really regressed to getting offended when someone says “ez”.



It depends on whether the game was easy or not

To be fair it is only about 50% manchildren and 10% actual boys.

To be fair, how do you feel about this comment? Would you report it in game, just like you report “ez”? Because this is a lot more direct insult.

taunting isn’t toxic or childish. people teabag in game all the time, but suddenly 2 letters is toxic?

people are oversensitive


Haha no no, I definitely wasn’t saying it’s an excuse to be a jerk. I totally get what you’re saying there too… I have a buddy who is mouthy sometimes and will say things to get under your skin, but then gets offended at your offense lol. Like if you snap back at him like “hey dude watch it” he gets all high and mighty like “wow man what the hell what’s your problem” and we call him on that a lot. I agree that isn’t excusable, but I wasn’t talking about that.

That^ is the kinda stuff I’m getting at. They’re all empty threats so I’m just saying it’s an awful waste of energy to let yourself get worked up over it. If we’re talking threats in real life? Well that’s an entirely different context, which you pointed out.

Otherwise, it’s better to let it roll off your back and keep playing. Using LFG or playing with friends helps immensely as well.

Maybe I just take toxicity better than most people, but when my team gets dunked on by the opponent, I see that as a wake-up call that either I’m not playing well enough, or my team isn’t. Either way, it’s a good sign that you may need to take a short break or something so you can get back into the rhythm of the game.

You can be reported for saying, “hello”. The system is automated so if you irritate enough people you will get a suspension.

50% of players, or at least what feels like 50% are sexist immature “men”. It’s that simple. A lot of them bleed over into these forums, but yes, people who auto-report women who don’t play Mercy (or MAYBE Moira), who auto-report Torb as “throwers”, who quit games where women play DPS because “they are throwing since women can’t play games”, and of course scream and demand other people to switch, claim they are “carrying the team” while 4 others on the team are On Fire, just quit the game when losing etc.