Is PTR Brigitte really a dive counter?

Don’t change roles here, you know you are being mean. I am simply trying to stop it!

dive did need some sort of nerf.

and the counter to brig is simply to run double sniper.

focusing her after bash is common sense for every team comp ever and its not that simple to counter her.

You cant stop it.

I can do and joke about whatever i want.

if you get offended thats your problem.

Even if I didn’t get offended, I am not the type of guy who only cares about my business. If someone is getting criticized I will stand up, that’s what I did.

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Okay good for you.

you defended someones virtue over a joke that nobody else would take serious.

Im not sure what you want from me? like ive said, you do you.

ITT: We all pretend that her whip strike is just for her combo and not to boop dive tanks out of mid air.

“I can’t hit them consistently!”

huh…, and here I thought Brig barely needed skill.

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Pros use what’s best not necessarily trying to counter it so dive mirror matches were common

Means they are just doing the same when they play double sniper. Why nerf that then?

They personally may not like it but they like winning more so they do it anyway

Yeah I also saw Dallas really hating dive meta. Whatever, I am not curious about the meta, I am just curious do we still have anti dive at all. If not then its time to use Genji

Yeah that’s the only thing that requires aiming yet people don’t think of it, it’s really useful and a good Brig can use it to deny a dive and help her allies.

Besides armor which i hope they dont nerf brig is going to have a really hard time now also I’m surprised she didn’t get any compensation buffs

The one thing they should nerf, it’s only balanced when tanks have it (stops then from being ult chargers), but on squishys it’s broken. There are multiple heroes that rely on the ability to kill a 200 hp target and brigitte can single handedly stop then from doing their job ad the solution is to play burst (Hanzo & Widow). Heck even Torb was good against dive, if by some miracle he managed to get his armor game going, before getting killed.

No. She’s already not a good dive counter anymore.

There’s a reason the things she supposedly counters have a higher pick rate than she does.

She only is a good counter to them on maps where vertical mobility isn’t that strong.

Except no torb can throw out armor packs brigs armor got nerfed so now it’s just slightly better torb armor personally we needed this kind of ult and sym lost hers so she is the only one who can do this now

A really good Brigitte will not bash Winston the moment he jumps in (unless you absolutely must in order to save a teammate). You melee him for 4 seconds or so and provide armor to the teammate he is damaging. When he tries to jump out, you bash him to cancel his leap. Then you have him stuck there for another 6 seconds, which is usually certain death for a Winston.

Also worth noting that you can use your shift to mess up his leap in the first place.


I think you guys are reading it wrong lmao, check what I wrote to an user who thought the same as you

no my brother the issue is now all the brig mains cant go around and kill at will and counter dive. they have to actually think about when they use their cooldowns now gasp like every other hero in the game. Oh whatever shall they do.

Only because something is designed to be a counter to smth, doesnt mean it should be able to shut down this “something”

Being a counter to something means having an advantage over somebody. Winston has an easy time chasing Widow, his massive healthpool/hitbox and barrier allow him to isolate the Widow. However the Widow has 2~3 seconds to get away by using grappling or headshoting him 2 times
Cree and Widow can hit and kill a Phara easily but Phara can stay away from their LoS and if she gets close enough she can use her E Ability to get over their head and 2 shot them

Brig can anulate DVas escape by shieldbashing her after she used her boosters
She can anulate DVas burst by shieldbashing her while she uses her mini rockets
She can delete Tracer
She can force Genji to retreat or maybe even kill him
She can stun the monkey for 1 second. Allowing the person he attacked to take some distance
She can cancel Winstons leap
She counters Dive but she doesnt single-handly shut down Dive


I’m not even sure what you’re referring to in this instance, but I assure you I didn’t read anything wrong. I don’t see how what anybody else said has any bearring on my previous reply…