Is Pharah Meta Because Zen Is Trash?

DIdn’t even read passed the title seeing Zen is trash lol. Zens godlike and Pharah is bottom tier now.

How is she OP? I have no issues with her. She is just like DF and Sombra cough off guard they are OP.

I must be in monority then. I like her up beat attitude!

People said that? :skull:

Sure did hahaha there’s people saying Sojourn was net buffed with these most recent changes too! Clowns the lot of them. Just forum trolls tbh

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EU players sitting over here glad that everyone is finally catching up and experiencing our hell.

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she can one shot alot of people easily that is overkil outside of ult like hanzo and widow got nerfed but remember vetnure identifies as non-binary so for venture it would be its attitude

Pharah’s def a strong pick atm on the flex-DPS side of things.

But like, she’s just nowhere near meta, anyone saying she’s meta is effectively in lower-ranks 100%.

It doesn’t take much to realise the crowd favorites hitscans are still meta, yes, even Cass after the entire set of nerfs.

Also, Mercy’s pickrate is currently mega inflated by BCRF / Pharah’s popularity rising up (this was also confirmed by Alec Dawson).

Also, playing meta-picks requires the right ranks, most of us don’t even have that and talk about things being meta when there’s no real definitive meta below mid/high masters realistically speaking.

She is a close range hero… Most kills she gets on me is when I’m busy trying to support a team member…

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Giving Pharah horizontal mobility would be like giving Cassidy vertical mobility

I wouldn’t mind if he could climp walls… But it has to be in a snails pace! Faster than that it is broken after all he isn’t a ninja!

He lowkey can

There’s like a 20 minute long video of Cassidy’s vertical mobility. It utilises the air roll buff from like 2 years ago

I remember that! It broke him… You could do stuff you wasn’t suppose to do…