Is Overwatch easier or harder on console?

Harder. Because I got killed often in console and I can’t play controller so well.

For me it’s been a mixed bag, especially on OW.
I’ve been a console gamer my whole life, but got a PC 6 months ago. The initial transition from console to PC was rough but I picked up the mechanics on M+K after a bit.
Overall I’d say console is less competitive, harder to have precise aim, but the average player is less adept than that of one on PC, be it faster gameplay, better mechanics on PC, etc.
I enjoy both versions of the game but I like the fluidity of PC overwatch more. However. The average game I played in console felt more consistent in terms of player skill and competition on console OW.

I’m so used to controller that M+KB is unplayable for me.

Literally play all my PC FPS games with a controller now.

Not sure which is easier, I just know I got sucked into being a controller player.

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It’s harder to react/aim, 30 FPS locked at 720p resolution = horrible. Dual analogue is… hell compared to Kb/M.

They play like different games entirely. The PC version is more fun in general, but… the loss of skin library on console… I just can’t walk away from my collection.