Is Overwatch easier or harder on console?

I was recently thinking of making the move to PC from XB1, but I’m not entirely sure if I want to restart :frowning:

I’d say harder, i’ve never played pc overwatch but the controls seem more accurate and more fluid.

its not easier or harder its just the tracking is slower and the 180s like to turn around in one move takes time no madder how fast you put it when in mouse its less then a 10th sec thats what really makes it faster and for ranks its all the same you have good and bad players everywhere your rank most likely is the same on both if not new to k&m if you are and go in to comp then youll be lower.

It more boils down to experience and muscle memory. I played OW PS4 since launch, and can play with moderate success. On PC, I am in silver for a reason, my aim and button combinations hasn’t transitioned well, I am more on the low end of the PC levels so the frames are roughly the same between PC and PS4. Doing button combinations on PS4 only having to worry about 4 buttons to shoot and hard to press Q on accident. For those who have millions of Pc hours going on PS4/Xbone, things aren’t going to go well.

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and thats the truth my friend good points.

I was hesitant as well but now i love it even more.


I second this! PC is fun. In-game chat is fun. Give it a chance.

You’re convincing me to make the move!

Playing on consoles is like playing underwater. It’s definitely harder to aim and look around quickly imo.

There is practically zero communication. Hence it’s less toxic but also a lot less cohesive.

It’s also a lot slower to navigate menus to report players or inspect profiles.

There is no PTR … and it goes on and on. In short, it’s a lesser experience.

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The WASD keys have always tripped me up when attempting to play ANY PC game. Why? I’m not entirely sure, but I might give it a chance considering OW is only $12 right now!

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I find console to be way harder because of the limitations.

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I found PC a lot more toxic. Like… a lot more.

But it’s also easier to play. I main Lucio on xbox and played him on PC and my God… my accuracy was up over 60 percent, my wall rising was on point, and I was destroying.

I was noticeably more effective.

But I grew up learning shooters on n64 (goldeneye, perfect dark) then on xbox (halo, medal of honor) so playing with a controller just feels normal to me.

Maybe I’ll make the change someday but I’m oldschool. I like my controller while I sit on the couch

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It’s worth it. I waited until it was $20 and tbh I wish I’d bought it a lot sooner because all of my unlocked heroes are on console which I never play anymore. I hope they find a solution to the skin transfer issue soon.

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Controls are definitely harder

I think that’s more of a controller thing than a frame rate thing tbh

When ever I watch console game play it feels slower paced I assume due to controller vs. mouse and keyboard.

For the record to everybody: I’m not trying to knock consoles. I think the platform war is dumb. Play on what you prefer not on what people like to claim is superior.

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Supposedly consoles also have far more smurfs since it’s easier to get multiple accounts. This would certainly make it harder to play without resorting to also playing at ranks below your skill level.

It is an objective fact that it’s just faster to turn using a quick motion of your whole arm that covers 6 inches than a thumb-tilted stick that covers half an inch. This makes movements snappier on PC due to hardware limitations. Which also makes console kb+m users the scum of the earth.

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Horrible and pretty much unplayable and frustrating as hell.

I play ow pc since release and months ago I bought a cheap copy for my ps4 and any character that requires aim feels slow and very unresponsive.

Trying to kill a Tracer while you barely can move your camera even at max sensitive is completely bs.

I never went back to console.

Also I instantly figured who were using a keyboard mouse because they moved at the same level than someone in Diamond /Master PC specially tracer and genji players

I have more respect for great console players than I do great PC players. The reason for that is it’s more difficult to perform the same feats and actions on console than it is to do those same things on PC. When I see great montage clips of good plays on PC, it doesn’t carry a whole lot of weight with me since generally speaking, great accuracy is commonplace on PC. Decent PC’s generally have better performance as well, which gives the player yet another crutch in addition to the advantage of the mouse. The PC platform makes it easier to seem like a good player, and on console it’s harder to stand out from the rest. On PC, your game performance directly correlates to the capability of your hardware setup. This isn’t the case on console as everyone has nearly identical hardware specifications. The only differences are some players use headphones or advanced controllers such as the Microsoft Elite Controller, or a Scuf controller. It’s more difficult to master a controller than it is to master a mouse and keyboard

If you’re on Playstation, everyone can have as many smurf accounts as they want, for FREE.
I’m well into reaching Masters on PS4, that alone should be a feat.

from my experience climbing in comp is way easier on console. I was placed 3800 on console, and placed 3.1k on pc. console is way slower than pc.