Is Overwatch 2 a new game or an expansion?

Overwatch 2’s PvP is accessible with a license for Overwatch. The PvE modes will be exclusive to OW2.

It’s a classic Blizzard Xpac, but because Activision likes money more than sense, Blizzard is calling it a sequel and including the base game.

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Expansion being sold as a new game. It’s obious why. Kapalan begged to not split the user base up. Activision wants to sell new games only. So it’s both. Destiny 2 should have been a expansion pack bought for D1. Not sold as as separate game. The Sims expansion packs are sold has standalone games on console. There’s examples of companies abusing the lines between EXP pack and sequel.

Because Blizzard is talking out of both sides of it’s mouth to keep Kotick and Activision happy, the info isn’t widespread, and this kind of rollout is largely unprecedented.

Not everyone follows OW news as closely as we do, and there’s no need to be a jerk about it.

The answer is yes to both. Its a sequel which basically comes down to being an expansion pack for PvE while everyone gets the new PvP regardless.

I’m probably a lone wolf on this but I’ll pay $60 for an upgraded Widow and Tracer booty. :crazy_face:

We dont know the price tag.


There are upcoming changes in the Overwatch (1) engine.

Literally a DLC with a few reskins.

Your acting like ppl don’t buy games that only come with a storymode for 60$. Detroit: Become Human, Mario Odyssey, Kingdom Hearts. Like what is your argument OW2 is giving u a fully developed story mode, hero missions and plenty of pvp experiences. I get it, u don’t like story games but that doesn’t mean others don’t

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Uhhhhhh no, it has a fully developed story mode and hero missions it’s not just a DLC with a few reskins. People pay 60$ for story mode only games all the time blizzard is doing nothing different so stop expecting all OW content to be free or earned by just playing the game, go play Apex Legends where each dlc hero cost 10 bucks it’ll be a rude awakening.

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There’s plenty more concerning things you could invest your time in worrying about.

Not being a jerk, but thank you :wink:

I made a comment that its surprising after all this time people are still asking this instead of making some effort to read up on the question first, then I made it very clear how it worked.

Its both.

Youll have to pay for the PVE part, but itll update Oq to OW2 multiplayer

seems like you do, quite abit… and I never said about other people just me so :man_shrugging:

Yes to both.
OW2 is an expansion to the PVP experience plus PVE

It is a new game, everything is built new. Even the engine has been updated and overhauled.

OW1 & OW2 owners will play in the same PvP games. OW2 will have a story mode/PvE missions that are exclusive to OW2

You can just call it both at this point.