Is our feedback worthless in the eyes of the devs?

They never removed performance based SR

SR was only somewhat removed in Diamond and above.

You have no idea the extent which Blizzard has utilized the Mercy mega-thread for feedback.

Just because they haven’t acted on the suggested in there doesn’t mean they weren’t considered and pushed aside for not being viable.

Welcome to how Symmetra players have felt since game release and since the new report system where basically the whole community of symmetras are all constantly suspended from false reports that Blizzard facilitated and refuses to acknowledge and address and are on record saying they have a “hands off approach” to the reports false or otherwise.

The megathread initially contained only feedback.
But when 300+ posts are merged everyday, no matter if they are constructive or just “mercy op nerf until she doesn’t exist” it only end up looking like a trash bin.
That’s how we got the M.E.G.A.V.O.I.DTM we have today.

They never even read it.

Honestly, I feel my two cents is the proverbial drop in the world wide bucket in the eyes of the ones running things here, but I word them anyways.

At least this way, I can say that I said something about something, respectively.

This is my PoV though :slight_smile:

They haven’t even read a topic of mine regarding Moira’s latest ‘bug fix’ which contains a serious issue, proven and displayed in screenshots and a video.

Over 150 upvotes, not a single glance by those the topic was aimed at.

Instead, I saw someone getting a dev response that contained a simple ‘hello have a nice day’.

This is what priorities are these days, apparently.

Source? Documented article of a Blizz employee saying that? Didn’t think so.

The worst part is that our beloved community manager, Tom Powers, only has about 100 or so posts on HIS forums. I’m not expecting him to post all the time but its like he’s hardly ever active. Weird considering he’s meant to be our go to point for representation outside of community backed players/voices.

As far as I’m aware, the community manager for Atlas Reactor still jumps into their general chat and memes around for a bit every weekend or so.

Highly upvoted topics should be a priority into the reading list as they are upvoted for a reason.

Not comments as such thing would take a lot of time, but threads/topics.

My previous example wasn’t done by a community manager, not sure if we are allowed to mention names and such to give further details. You can check the dev section ( not the one with the symbol Blizz ) and you will see what I mean.

So much tunneled vision and time wasted on paying attention to things that don’t even concern the game these days. My feedback was on the first page still that day the specific person was around and still got heavily ignored. Unbelievable. People still bring the topic from time to time and they still get ignored.

Except if you read it it became an echo chamber real quick then became the void also people were told if your going to make mercy posts do it in there

Look at devs/community managers posts read. It doesn’t exceed 20k.
Also, every answer you can found in the M.E.G.A.V.O.I.D.TM were merged from a different thread. No answer or message has been written directly in it, which pretty much show how little they care.

Its worthless to most people that have some understanding of game health.

Half of the feedback in this forums leads to worse thing then it sets out to fix because people are clueless

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What kind of acknowledgement exactly would make you happy, OP?
“Yep, there’s lots of posts here alright!”
If they don’t want to change a hero, why mislead people?
If they do want to change a hero, that takes time (you can argue that it takes too much), why mention it too early?
Also, the sheer amount of posts appearing on here is huge. Only a very small portion of them gets read by someone who has a real job.

The part that IS dumb, however, is that the Mercy thread is still there, still stickied, despite this appearing in it over a month ago:

Misleading. Is the megathread justified or not? If yes, why not have a megathread for every hero? (Rhetorical question)

This is not the answer those avid Mercy “fans” wanted to hear which is why the megavoid still exists. I’ve seen some of them literally say “We won’t stop till we get the answer we want”

Their prerogative I guess.

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Well, it looks pretty much obvious to me that after countless nerfs the rework doesn’t… work.
But everyone keep lying themselves and say “fine/balanced/[insert pickrates or winrates]”

Even more dumb: it was supposed to be an answer to another thread asking for acknowledgement, which never mentionned viability/pickrates/winrates/stats in general.


The devs respond through their update videos, etc. It doesn’t mean they’re not reading it.

Also remember the feedback in the Mercy thread is from a small group of people repeatedly saying the same few things over and over again with slight variations.

The Devs are 80% of the opinion and community 20%.

There’s no video saying anything about this thread.
No, they never respond through their update videos, and their profiles show otherwise.

Also no, there aren’t only 5 people in the Mercy thread. Saying this is just being in denial.
You simply don’t want to talk, Cookie, judging by how unpleasant you are (and you always have been).
You’re only here to tell us we are wrong while we arent.
I please you to leave now.


It is very sad that with over 60,000 posts, spread over 9 Mega-Threads, that the only replies about Mercy by Jeff is outside the Mega-threads (the 2nd time a Mod move it into the thread, it was not originally there). An all he keeps point out is that Mercy’s pick rate is fine, nothing about how her Ult is no longer Ult worthy an how little fun people have playing her… Feels bad man.