Is one tricking really okay?

i’m just gonna say this, if you’re not in a 6-stack in a team game, how competitive are you being really?

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I have a 6 stack , but some people that are new won’t know they can do that, there are still new people coming into OW because of OW2 coming out, so this kinda thinking is not logical.

that’s why i propose a 6-stack lock on competitive to keep it fair and more controlled and concise about what it is for.

and i mean we got other modes for playing the game in very similar fashion so there’s nothing really lost there, except that the competitive side gets more competitive and probably divides up the playerbase more into their actual categories.

This is the balance between specialization skills vs broadening skills.

Some people like to have a large and varied toolset, so that they can use the perfect tool for the perfect job. To do so, having reasonable proficiency in as many heroes as you can handle is essential, so that you you have options to deal with many situations. That’s what flex playing was.

Others love to use a single tool to its perfection. Sure, a hammer is the better tool to pin a nail to a wall, but it’s possible to also do so with a screwdriver or a shoe. And both are a lot lighter than hammers. That’s one tricks.

Some musicians play a lot of instruments. Some are a genius in a single instrument. Some people have broad knowledge in many fields, some becomes PhD on their area.

There is nothing inherently wrong with one tricking. You are basically perfecting your ability to play a single character to the point the concept of “counter” is a footnote. An exceptionally good Pharah player don’t fear the opposing hitscan heroes. They know how to wave and seek cover for them while still doing her job.

Sticking with your main in disadvantageous situations is how you learn how to deal with them. If you can work reasonably well when you have disadvantages, you completely dominate the match when you are unopposed!

Now, of course, reaching this level of skill takes time. But that’s a personal decision to stick with it until you acquire the required skills to do so.

Plus, Blizzard said it’s OK, so it’s OK. They make the rules.


While this is a somewhat good idea it would only make comp more alienated to finding a crew, now noted a 6 stack gives you the best chance for a win.

However and I know this is a cheeky/ low blow for explaining why to take comp serious it’s this.

Comp literally stands for Competitive. Not Casual

Everyone was crying about bans in case people screw one tricks over

Jeff makes a statement and all these questions over one-tricking occur

Think and form your own opinion. Y’all bandwagon like sheep herds

competitive is alienating and it should be, if you want to find a crew there’s many avenues to go down, they could even add new modes for try-outs to get recruited into a reliable 6-stack that you play with.

it’s a team game and if you play in a team, the whole team evolves with you and so will the competitive experience.

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I’m sorry you feel this way but unfortunately since this has nothing to do with the topic at hand you will be flagged for not sticking to the subject at hand, thank you and have a nice day.

Also I must add if you just come into forums to be little people that make a discussion about something valid then you sir have no room to judge.

I wasn’t really a one trick but I did main sym 2.0. people thought she was the weakest character but I found her to be quite good. I was in a really wierd situation though. I was a gm sym main that coukd also occasionally run a good doom or mercy. I just wasn’t able to learn other hero’s without causing terrible matches.

Instead of switching my playstyle would change significantly I had a good way to deal with dive and deathball which were common when sym 2.0 was a thing. Different characters the enemy ran also played a huge part in how I played. It was a ton of fun for me to bad the character got gutted and left in an even worse spot

I don’t have a problem with one tricking if you are trying your best. One issue I have with some one tricks though is if they start telling others what they can and can’t play. A one trick rien shouldn’t tell a support to switch to Anna.


preach, preach preach :slight_smile:


Jeff said it best :slight_smile:

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I don’t understand what you are trying to say here?

I agree at at least haven 2 heros you can play. But I have seen the most success with haven that one hero I can just dominate with and whipe the floor with the enemy. I think you do need that one hero you are exceptional at. Me its sombra. I also main widowmaker but my sombra is far better


Really dude… open mouth insert foot but this conversation is over have a nice day

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i think the only obstacle to one-tricking and atleast having 2 to play as of right now is the amount of slots available and some people not being able to play their one-trick because there’s another same one-trick on your team taking your character.

but i still don’t agree with how the competitive experience exists as it is now.
it’s too casual to be called competitive imo.

I sorta agree and disagree with that. Casual yes I agree but only at like bronze silver low gold. I have found more people are competitive as you get up the ladder people in plat care to much but they still highly competitive. But one tricking can actually be a advantage than a disadvantage.

Because if you one trick a of meta hero and you perform better than the average person at your rank on that hero and you dominate and win games with that hero you climb no problem. But you have to be good.

Like I prodomitily play sombra defensive and offense. And I have seen so much success ranking up a hero no one is touching and trying to get really good. Been quite successful

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It’s not, but people don’t care about teamwork they only care about their selfish desires.

Right, wrong… Who cares? I hate my team anyways.

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i agree with specializing in a character however the problem with that is you don’t have a team that you can rely upon picking characters to accomodate that every game to the same degree which will affect your experience.

so it’s kind of like do it on your own risk and i see no problem doing that.

however if you had a fixed 6-stack you could ensure that people will want you in your team to play that character and you would also grow as a player to be able to play in a team more tightly.

that’s why i really don’t consider competitive to be competitive enough because you got random teams against random teams who is haphazardly thrown together.
sure the matchmaking helps but still you’re playing with strangers.

this is why i rarely play team games in ranked because it’s really not a competitive experience due to this.

i mean would you go to a hockey rink and ask to play a game with strangers and treat it as a competitive experience?

I agree most definitely that learning a good handful of heroes is way to go. I generally take my pick based on team. I surely have a hero I prefer to play but I’d rather win. No one changing character is not a way towards victory. Especially if other team switch heroes and you remain with same setup.

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