Is off season comp affecting MMR?

I was wondering if playing comp of season and trying new heroes affects your Rank or MMR?

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Nope it doesnā€™t
20 characters bla bla


Thnx its a 2 way QP then thanks

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It probably does affect MMR. MMR is a handicapping system designed to make Overwatch addictive rather than fair.


Cuthbert offers nothing of value and doesnā€™t understand the MMR system and believes itā€™s why heā€™s in low Eloā€¦ Donā€™t listen to him


Thatā€™s right, donā€™t listen to the little guy. Donā€™t listen to common sense. Let corporate double think rule your minds.

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If it doesnā€™t affect MMR, you can use this time to hone your skills in your MMR rank so when you get back you can prove to the MMR you are better.

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Corporate double think? I donā€™t even know what that is, but Iā€™m fairly certain that you cannot know whether or not Kornmeal is a ā€œcorporateā€ person of any sort. And whatā€™s wrong with thinking through something twice? Or were you just wounded by his challenge, so you decided to use some fancy philosophical clap-back that no one would understand except for you?


Itā€™s a reference to Georg Orwellā€™s 1984, which I strongly recommend that you read.

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I want you to explain something to meā€¦ I took the time to learn and get better at the game, got into diamond, worked harder, hit masters this seasonā€¦ If MMR was holding me back, how did I get there? Was it luck? I didnā€™t hit diamond till I was silver border, so I was very clearly a hardstuck plat back then. Why is it now Iā€™m all of the sudden climbing now that Iā€™m taking the time? Is it dumb luck?

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I mean last season I ended low diamondā€¦ played off-season and probs lost 20 games in the process cause I was playing heroes Iā€™m trash atā€¦ guess where I placed when I played my 10 games? low diamond.

It doesnā€™t affect your mmr.


Heā€™s just trying to make excuses for his low SR.

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he is right i made alot of accounts to test it and i was right

Thatā€™s some pretty loose science. Why doesnā€™t Blizzard tell us how things really are?

Thatā€™s not for me to answer, and my experience is an enough proof at least for me to convince me that mmr does not drop in off-season if it did I would have placed in low plat.

Oh I see. But it is for you to claim authoritative knowledge of how MMR works. Sure.

Since I have actually experienced it, yes I can tell you that it doesnā€™t affect your mmr, I canā€™t tell you why blizzard doesnā€™t tell us about those things as I am not a blizzard employeeā€¦ You posted on a forums public for people to share their thoughts and experiences and thatā€™s exactly what I did.

Also you disregarded everything I said and pointed out only at that comment in my post, Iā€™m gonna assume youā€™re trolling or just messing around as you showed no actual interest in understanding whether the system does affect your mmr or not instead youā€™re sorta attacking people? Iā€™ll refrain from commenting on this any further.

Howā€™s about let the people who actually play the mode decide instead of spamming FUD? There is no reason to think off-season influences mmr. It would make no sense to do so, and gives blizzard no benefit; they know people donā€™t play off-season the way they do otherwise so itā€™s not getting the matchmaker useful info. On top of this, personal experience says it doesnā€™t as well, and anecdotally no one has given reason to think otherwise.

First of all, donā€™t listen to Cuthbert. Heā€™s like actually delusional and does nothing but confidently spout conspiracy theories without providing any evidence. Second, Iā€™ve experimented a bit with off season to see what effect, if any, it has on MMR, and the conclusion Iā€™ve come to is this:

Off season competitive does have an MMR that is initialized to your final MMR of the prior season, or, if the account is fresh, then it is initialized to the ā€˜defaultā€™ MMR equal to around 2350 SR. This MMR, however, does not have any effect on your actual competitive MMR, and at the end of the off season it is discarded.

The Alternate Account

The first piece of evidence I have is one of my alternate accounts. I bought it at the end of season 10 and got it to level 25 the day before the off season. I didnā€™t touch competitive until the off season. My first off season competitive game was the same SR that it would have been if it were the first placement game - a mid gold game. After about 7 games, I was being placed in mid diamond games, indicating that the system was recognizing improvement at about the same rate as placements even in the off season and was attempting to place me in the right rank. I stopped once I hit my first master game at about game 15.

Then season 11 started and I queued up for my first placement game. If off season MMR impacted competitive MMR, then it would make sense I would be placed in a master game, for that is where my off season MMR was. But no. I was placed into the default rank of mid gold for my first match, and I had to work my way back up through the placement matches as if I hadnā€™t already done that on the account.

The freshly placed account

Second, I had an account which I placed on the last day of season 11. It was level 27 and 3000 SR. I screwed around on Torb and lost pretty much every game in the off season, and by the end of the off season I was in mid gold games. The next season I did placements, and it put me right back in diamond games, and it ended up placing 3300. If off season had an impact on its SR, I would have been put back in gold games and been placed in plat.

The main

And then finally I have my experience on my main account. Whenever I play in off season on my main, I usually stack with my silver-gold friends and we end up in high gold games. And usually Iā€™m just messing around, so we lose a fair amount of games. Since Iā€™m a mid master player, if off season MMR affected comp MMR, it would follow that the next season I should place lower. But every time Iā€™ve placed no lower than 100 SR of where I left off, and a couple of times 100-150 higher.

So I think itā€™s safe to say that off season does not affect the next season.

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Better question: why is mid gold the default? Mid silver seems far more accurate player population wise, no?