Is new reaper op?

I’m on console so I wouldn’t know.

Would not be surprised if they nerf damage to healing to 33%

nah. shadow step is still worst ability in the game and death blossom is most counterable ultimate.


PTR Reaper isn’t going to be op. He still lacks the tools he needs to be effective at higher levels. However, the buff to 50% lifesteal is going to make him feel cheap and unfair when he does get in.

It’s going to be a similar situation to pre rework Hanzo. Pre rework Hanzo wasn’t consistently good, but Scatter Arrow was stupid and felt cheap.


Then they’d basically be back to square two.

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33% is actually indistinguishable from 30%. They could hotfix that in right now, and outside of testing no one would notice.

I posted my own thread on what I’d personally like to see for Reaper, but I might as well post it here too. :slight_smile:

Why is he cheap? He goes in and LS only much when he hits tanks, a team of 6 players should be able to nuke him, let me show you a list of counters;

Ana nade = no healing
Rein - Shatter/Pin
Roadhog - Hook
Zenyatta - Ult/Discord
McCree - FtH
Widowmaker - HS
Hanzo - HS/Storm Arrow
DV.a - Matrix
Mei - Freeze
Brigitte - Stun
All kind of shields
All kind of stuns
All kind of CC

To be honest I think he is still going to be trash, but why is a Reaper who goes in and lifesteals cheap, but a Genji/Tracer with their insane mobility/damage are “fine”?.


Did I say that I thought Genji/Tracer were fine anywhere? No. I didn’t.

Also, I said that Reaper still won’t be overpowered. It will, however, feel incredibly cheap when he gets in and it takes three people to take him down. Have you played on the PTR? Reaper doesn’t feel good to fight against with the 50% lifesteal. “Just focus them down” is an argument that has been put out there for countless other characters, an argument that I myself have put out in the past, and people don’t see it as a valid argument.

Yes, the same things that counter Reaper will still counter him. However, the 50% lifesteal does nothing for Reaper’s skill ceiling while just making him feel like something you can’t ever kill by yourself a lot of the time. That is why this buff is a bad buff. It’s not going to improve his viability much, if at all, but I can already hear the complaints of “Braindead W+M1 hero” in the future when the patch goes live. Then people will start a “Delete Reaper” movement, and he’ll be hit with a bunch of stupid sledgehammer nerfs, which is something I don’t want to see.

They need to rework Reaper and give him some more utility or something. Look at the suggestion I posted for a Shadow Step change above.

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No way to tell yet.

I’ve played on PTR and he is quite frustrating to go against now. That lifesteal buff is just…bleh.

But apparently in OWL scrims that occur on PTR, nothing has really changed. So…it seems this might affect ladder more than the intended recipients of this balance change. :confused:

Only if you’re in cardboard tier. His crazy healing isn’t enough to make up for his ok damage and terrible movement options.


PTR Reaper is likely to to be a mistake, but it doesn’t look like devs are going to change it till next patch. So get ready for a rollercoaster.

I’ve got 6-9 hours on the PTR I would say that he is going to be overpowered in the short term at most skill levels below the top in the short term and in the long term he probably will be a bit overpowered in the bottom to middle.

He’s kinda of like a short range mobile Bastion that will eat you alive if you don’t pay attention to him but will go pop if a team pays attention.

If you toss a bad player like myself on Reaper they will not auto carry with him like they may have done when the Hanzo rework was on the PTR.

You have plenty of Reapers that are doing 50%+ of the elims at the present so some players are doing very well with him and I’d expect that to carry over to live at some skill levels for at least a week or two bit.

If people don’t pick items that counter Reaper he could be dominant. But, since Ana’s one of the more popular healers and she can sleep his ult and block his heal from damage I think he will be somewhat limited. Brig and McCree can stun him nicely. If you don’t have CC you can quickly run into trouble if he closes with you especially if he has someone meaty to shoot as that can heal thru your damage. If your Tank messes up heavily they can get you killed by healing him due to the amount of health they lose. He’s near impossible to burst down without a one shot in his ult.

However, I’ve had a few matches where you have a high ranking Ashe, Widow, or Hanzo that shreds the Reaper over and over and that is what I anticipate happening over the long term at the top.

It’s a little hard to say for sure because the PTR feels like it has less than 50 people on it much of the time that range from Bronze to GM so some matches are GM Reapers vs Bronze Ashe and others are vis versa. This has been a really unpopular PTR or the matchmaker has issues.

an AOE ability that benefits from passive healing, and allows you move around?
most counterable?
choose one you cretin.

Necro threads btw…

Its not that hard check the dates you know.

yeah its most counterable ult in the whole game.

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This iteration has him simply face melting anyone in front of him. He doesn’t care about damage, he just shoots, kills, and moves on to another target. It’s frustrating enough to rage quit.

1 months later

Anyway, just go stun hero if you’re a DPS, if you’re a tank go Roadhog and if you’re a support go Brigitte :slight_smile: CC hard counters reaper just stay with your team.


hog normally doesnt kill reaper after hook. Ive saw so many hogs who hooked reaper and died than due to close range and his insane sustain… Reaper is actually pretty annoying and the main reason why i stopped playing Tank. I remember the day when those 50% LS buff went live… played bastion pirate ship on gibraltar… nanoed reaper came from behind and he actually diddnt die, he outhealed bastion nuke. Thats the day i rage quitted my first time ever and stopped playing this r etard game.