Is Mercy ever going to get nerfed?

So the common opinion at higher ranks is that Mercy is too strong.
She is more or less the best hero in the game.
Her pickrate on ladder and in pro play is insane.
There’s also no viable comp without her in it.
She is the reason Hanzo, Widowmaker and Zenyatta are so dominant.
She enables them with her pocketing and rezz.
But she is the most popular hero in Overwatch.
Even if all stats are screaming for her to be nerfed, a ton of people would probably lose it if they nerf her.
So will Blizzard just turn a blind eye towards this because she is popular or will they actually do something?
The easiest answer would be just to revert her to old Mercy, she would be weaker and most of pro old Mercy people would be happy.
The rework has turned her into the most broken hero in the game, who after constant nerfing is still too strong.
Maybe Blizzard just needs to accept that rezz won’t work as an E ablility.


54 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018