Is Mercy Enjoyable?

I played like 86 hours pre rework Mercy and enjoyed her every bit. I now have like 25+ hours on new Mercy since her release and the only iteration I enjoyed was original Valk but everything after that felt so boring.

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it seems to me like u mercy mains dont care about rez and how strong it is, you’d rather just heal without having to aim yet moira does that, u can just play her instead.
Rez is the only thing that makes mercy unique take it off and people will play ana, simply bcz she has higher skill floor.

She’s much more boring than when she first came out. She has been dumbed down to the point where she requires very little skill to play, and just doesn’t give you a lot of skill-based satisfaction compared to other healers.

I have always enjoyed playing as Mercy and always will.

No. Mercy is my least preferred healer to play now.

I am not ashamed to admit I have terrible aim which is why Ana is not exactly my thing. I like Mercy because she has strong and consistent healing, yes. I also really like her mobility that no other Support has. I also like being a pocket to those who have way better aim than me and are making the kills.
I play Moira too, especially when it feels like I am being focused an awful lot without having the peels to protect me.

So what of it?

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Personally I didn’t like her kit and play style before and found it very boring to play, so the nerf didn’t bother me. I had already swapped to Ana/Lucio/Zenyatta prior, and it’s working out for me.

u said it yourself she has huge mobility and thus will never have the healing of ana or moira -> needs something to make her unique and it’s rez, take it off and she’ll hit f tier.
its like asking for junk buffs bcz u cant aim with hanzo, it’s just not gonna happen.
Mercy was passive and her rework made her more active which is good.
it was op and she needed nerfs but her mains would just cry about it so blizzard was scared to nenrf her again but it will happen again and again till she’s balanced bcz that’s how things must be:
high skill -> high reward -> top tier.
low skill -> low reward -> low tier

She is enjoyable.

this last nerf is acting like a nail in the coffin for me. It feels impossible to keep people actually healed up. more of them are dying than i can reasonably save nad they all wind up mad at me like “what were you doing mercy??”

healing you i promise ;w;

so uh no. shes…sort of died now. i cant find fun in her anymore.

I’ve played Mercy on and off since launch, and here’s my ratings of fun with each version of her:

  • Original Mercy: 7.5/10. Simpler kit with no GA boosting. Playing hide and seek was really heartpounding and exhilarating trying to get off a team rez at the last second, was the best part of her kit

  • Revamped 2.0 Mercy: 10/10. The first introduction to Valkyrie, which was alright, but gaining the super bunnyhop momentum glitch made this SO much fun, I dropped who I was playing at the time to go full Mercy every match, I loved it. having multiple rezzes was also really clutch

  • Current Mercy: 5/10. Valkyrie is not fun to use at all. It’s a glorified ‘team, let’s push now’ button where you can use a weaker Orisa ult, or a weaker Lucio healing aura. Trying to get rezz off while it freezes you in place for 2 sec and you gotta maintain melee range and not get killed is the 2nd worst feeling and mechanic in the game. I’d take any other version of Mercy from the past over this one.


The healing nerf made her much less mobile, which was the most fun part of her kit.

I used to enjoy playing mercy but not so much anymore. Not because of any changes but her playstyle and also healing with Mercy can be a thankless job. Would rather not be thanked and heal with a support that’s more engaging. lol

Nope, I changed my main healer to Zenyatta. Gonna play him while he’s still kickin, hope my teammates get use to the 30(or was 40 ?)hps and no rez because I’m not switching back.

No she was before the rework but now she is just a broken character. The balance is just horrible and the character deserves something better than this. Sadly the devs dont see that and just keep nerfing the “successful rework”.

At this moment Mercy isn’t fun at all, playing her in comp feels frustrating when it takes almost 10 seconds to full heal a tank when Ana or Moira can do the job much faster. Healing with Mercy feels like a waste of time and her ult is absolute garbage, in higher level play you can barely damage boost after the nerf, or else your teammates will just die. Her healing gets overwhelmed extremely fast.
I’ve played her through every nerf to this point and this one just broke me, I would of played a lot more comp this season but considering if I play in the SR range i’m in (around 4200) there’s no way I’ll be effective at doing anything. I genuinely feel useless when I play her, I’m so focused on healing now nothing in my kit actually flows. The rework is a mess and she just needs a revert with changes at this point, or even another rework. Whats happened to her so far is a joke.

I have played Mercy, since launch. And went through every rework and nerfs. I still find her the most enjoyable Hero. There was no patch where I felt she was unfun or bad.

Flying through the Maps while being chased by D’vas, Genjis, Tracers, while keeping my Team alive even as solo Healer and the ocassional pew pew, gives me the most Satisfaction.

The most unfun times for me was, after the rework where most of the players started playing recklessly.

I think she’s fun when playing in an organized stack, but in a random group where no one is protecting you or coordinating it feels worse than the other supports.

No. No she is not neither fun nor enjoyable