Is Mercy Enjoyable?

I don’t want to start a debate about changing Mercy at all. All I want to know is if you find playing Mercy fun or enjoyable?


Not really anymore. People say 10 HPS less is nothing or they can’t feel it but I defnitely do as solo healer in QP. Tanks take ages to heal, you have to stay longer in place which means you can’t zip around as much anymore.
I’m kinda dissapointed they are nerfing the rest of her kit just so they can keep Rez in. I’d rather they completely remove Rez at this point.


As enjoyable as she was before the rework.
Which isn’t much :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope not one bit
She has no “heck yeah” moment and her ult basically just replaces skill for entire fights at a time


Shes never been in my opinion, low risk and high reward at all tiers, boring game play which leads to them being mostly shot callers because they concentrate less on what they do.


She is Enjoyable and a safe pick on every comp-map-strat, there is nothing that will stop doing your work (Healing) no CD management or getting out of resources (Moira recharge - Ana reload etc) except getting killed.

Mercy 1.0 to now is like having aching wisdom teeth, getting them taken out, feeling temporary relief, then having the wisdom teeth surgically re-implanted. sideways.


I must got mine pulled, so they put them back in?

Enjoyable surely not. It feels clunky, very slow


I fund her very boring honestly, she has some fun element with instant rez or at least you felt like you were doing something but now it’s just boring for me. It sucks because I used to like playing her a bit but now it’s just I’d rather solo heal as Brig/Lucio than play mercy.

Overwatch Fun fact #8:

Mercy chooses the sponge, rather than the spray, when it comes to Roadhog. Roadhog doesnt get a choice in the matter…

No, for the same motivations of the first guy’s comment.
Ah and valkyrie itself, obviously.

Since her healing nerf she’s 100% unfun to play. No reason to play her now other than her rez being on a 30 second cooldown. And maybe damage boost. But I rarely see any Mercy players use that so . . .
She plays like an off support trapped in the design of a main healer.


i have started a thread about a mercy 3.0 if anyone is interested. please tho it is supposed to be constructive and not about mercy 1.0 or 2.0, i have some ideas that could help make mercy fun again wile keeping mercy, mercy but addressing balance issues that both other versions had.

i’d love some more ideas

So i'm re making this mercy thread, in hopes of starting a new
theres’s a link

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The healing nerf is not that bad for me (I was against that buff back then anyway), but she has no Ultimate ability to compensated that anymore so no.
The only thing which is still really fun to use is GA/AD.

Valkyrie: I don’t even have it bound to any key. I think that says a lot already.

Her healing feels… Just bad now. It’s like that windows “Only 1s left” and then after 5s it says “Only 30s left”. It was no problem for me back then because dpss weren’t that strong but now… It’s just to slow, same with her res.

The fundamental enjoyment i had with Mercy is still in her, but you can’t at all achieve that anymore, without an enemy which has no idea how to play.

She just feels like a boring brick now… That makes me so sad actually…


Im really upset that a hero i loved so much on launch turned into such a deadbeat hero : /

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She’s still fun and good. Bunny hop honestly made Mercy 10 times more fun than she was before. I enjoy Valkyrie, and I’ll still use her.

I just wish she had a different ability on a shorter cooldown.

Nah not really fun anymore. A LOT of it has to do with her abilities and ult.

I got to play a bit of Mass Resurrect Mercy, she was fun and her ult def contributed to that.

Super-Mercy with the instant res x2 (can’t believe that was real!) was fun in a way, swooping around being OP, but not as fun as the previous.

Current Mercy is meh. It would be nice if you had more opportunities to use her blaster or some kind of new offensive ability to throw in while healing. Or give her back mass res shrug


On this current patch no I do not find her very enjoyable. Almost everything she does, she does it slower now lol.

I do yes, I actually like her more like this because everything you do is kind of stacked against you so when you actually fulfill your tasks it’s a clear indicative that you are in fact doing well, I also like using my pistol more often because I understand that simply healing like crazy isn’t the answer all the time, sometimes the enemy just needs to die faster and I can help with that be it with dmg boost on heroes who need no aim or by shooting myself