Is Mercy Enjoyable?

Nah not really fun anymore. A LOT of it has to do with her abilities and ult.

I got to play a bit of Mass Resurrect Mercy, she was fun and her ult def contributed to that.

Super-Mercy with the instant res x2 (can’t believe that was real!) was fun in a way, swooping around being OP, but not as fun as the previous.

Current Mercy is meh. It would be nice if you had more opportunities to use her blaster or some kind of new offensive ability to throw in while healing. Or give her back mass res shrug


On this current patch no I do not find her very enjoyable. Almost everything she does, she does it slower now lol.

I do yes, I actually like her more like this because everything you do is kind of stacked against you so when you actually fulfill your tasks it’s a clear indicative that you are in fact doing well, I also like using my pistol more often because I understand that simply healing like crazy isn’t the answer all the time, sometimes the enemy just needs to die faster and I can help with that be it with dmg boost on heroes who need no aim or by shooting myself

To me, this nerf was just nail in the coffin.:coffin: :hammer: My limit has been exceeded.

  • She heals like a turtle, is even more sluggish. :turtle:
  • Valkyrie charges even slower. :sleeping:
  • Moira and Ana can now reach almost or even the same level of Mercy’s healing at the end of the match. :+1:
  • Her healing is completely negated.:x:
  • Valkyrie feels even more ineffective.:weary:
  • There is less room to safely damageboost someone without a scare of them dying. :flushed:
  • Keeping tanks alive is almost unobtainable. :soon::skull_and_crossbones:

I had a blast playing her but now… the spark is gone. Mercy is dead to me. :sob:


I am a Mercy main, not a one trick, but with most hours on her by a large margin.
But with this recent nerf… No i do not find her fun anymore.
I sticked with her through every patch so far, but this season… it’s just impossible to play her properly for me.
There is just too much damage coming in for 50hps to be enough.
If you have another off healer you will run into a lot of problems cause of too little healing, along with Main supports it is a little better.
But especially now with Wrecking ball being played and dive coming back, she has a really hard time and I enjoy her way less.
I don’t hate Valk as much as some others, but i do agree that it is a lackluster ult, and especially now, it just seems very useless.



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I am going be the odd man out and say yes, I still find her enjoyable and I will always find her enjoyable.… Now is Mercy impactful, not as much as she used to be, but I do wish they Blizzard handle Mercy quite differently and adjust her abilities as such Valkyrie or Resurrection oppose of touching her healing.

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I find fun in her being a battle mercy with some friends in quick play and arcade, after that I always choose other healers for comp because I am better at them then I am with mercy.

Battle Mercy - YES!

Support Mercy - I love Mercy but she’s extremely awful and unfun to play as.

No. It’s getting worse with each single patch honestly. I have noticed at least a 50% or more cut in my playtime each time a patch comes out with another nerf/change. So that’s 50% EACH time. Yea I might as well be less then casual now and I played on 2 platforms before.

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No, not really. I never played Mercy much, but she was much more enjoyable when rez was her ult.


Not any more, her 50hps healing is…bad and it feels bad to play since it’s A LOT harder to heal through all the damage the game now has currently

BUT it really feels bad because you struggle to do your one job of healing your team since mercy is a huge target and a lot of players simply don’t help her even though she relies so heavily on her team’s help which also means I struggle to even rez and damage boost my team mates

So right now I’m the current competitive scene, Mercy is really really bad and just feels awful to play

I think I’m going back to maining moira zen and Ana :woman_shrugging:t2:


Yeah I play QP and she’s an absolute chore now. They made her more slow and cumbersome every nerf and now she feels awful.


Worst offender in terms of engagement is her ult. I stop my healing… so I can fly and continue to heal. Unless I pick out my blaster it doesn’t really offer any fun, and usually going battle-Mercy is a waste because it means your team won’t be healed by their main healer for 15 seconds.

Then having one of her main abilities being on a 30 seconds cd, which is also highly situational and slows her doesn’t add to the fun either. Honestly, if I pull off a rez it more often than not feel like a reflection of the enemy team’s incompetence rather than my competence.


If its not her pistol or guardian angel its boring now, well damage boost can sometimes be cool but only sometimes

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She’s actually bat-sh** boring to play. Her heals nerf makes it even worse


Valk is a glorified spectator mode. There’s no adrenaline rush and it’s a get out of jail free card for ults.

Rez is stand still simulator.

Never need to swap to a gun just run around all map and valk when you feel like it.

I used to fill Mercy, but after over half the time this rework has been here, I’m done.


Only part of her kit that feels good to use is Guardian Angel. Everything else is either slow, clunky, or just plain boring cough Valkyrie cough


it’s awful now. her ult feels terrible her healing is too slow now. when I valk it’s like… what am I even doing? nothing. mercy back to a troll pick but it’s even more than before the rework, at least before she got that big moment now she gets sh*t all.

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Mercy was never fun in my opinion.

Even pre-rework,I played Lúcio and Ana instead.

Now I play Ana and Moira when I pick a support.