Is Mccree's ult ok?

It seems like the most use you can get out of it is to kill a bad pharmercy that strayed too far out into the open. I play most of the characters and my highest rating has been 2600. Mccree’s ult is the only ult in the game I’m really not super glad that I have. Lately I’ve been using it for 3x fth against tanks or tight situations. It just seems like there’s too much of a warning and it can be countered easily by over half the roster. What other hero has an ult that can be countered by so many characters? Lets take a look:

EZ counters:

Mei: Wall , iceblock

Winston: Shield

Rein: Shield

Orisa: Shield

Genji: deflect and it’s suicide to even use against him if the guy knows you have it

D.Va: Defense matrix

Moria: Teleport

Reaper: Wraith form

Tracer: Recall

Sombra: Translocate (never tested against invis but maybe that as well)

Zarya: Bubble

Brig: Shield

Wrecking ball: Shield

Hard/medium hard counters but still pretty easy:

Roadhog: Hook (insane 100% lock on time anyway)

Hanzo: Headshot

Widowmaker: Headshot

Ana: Sleep

Doomfist: Dash away

Mercy: Dash to an ally

I might have missed a few but compared to the other dps ults his ult seems only useful against things you should already be able to just kill with LMB. Also in order to set up a decent flank around shields you have to stop attacking and go around which makes it obvious what you’re about to do.

He’s a great character because of his kit but I feel like he really doesn’t get rewarded for having ult charge since it’s only good for killing like 4 characters. ALSO a lot of the character moves that counter his ult will also save the entire team from it… kind of ridiculous when you consider junkrat, pharah, soldier, genji etc ults that even if they are countered put enormous pressure on the enemy team. He shouldn’t be dependant on a sombra EMP or the enemy team having horrible positioning to be good. Granted it will always be good against noobs but I think at this stage of the game most players even in silver/gold know how to block/counter it pretty easy compared to every other dps ult.

Just my opinion but I think he could use something besides a 3 second warning, crippled glowing movespeed that says " kill me now" and a global announcement. I don’t think changing the lock on time matters either because it just takes a little more skill to predict.

Maybe have his ult break barriers 100% every time at least so you could use it head on to clear out rein/orisa for bastion or something idk. Just wondering if anyone has any response besides " it’s fine" or some generic response.

I have like 155 hours on him and he’s my fav character but when I get his ult most of the time I’m just like “meh.” I’m better off just keeping on what I was doing before I got ult.

His ULT is so difficult to get use out of anymore because of the amount of interference you have to deal with to pull it off. Barriers, snipers, armor, defense matrix, ice wall, CC, you name it.

It’s basically only good to guarantee easy picks and zone or kill Pharmercy.

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mcree is in a good place without hes ult. If you want hes ult to be good then you have to nerf hes kit. Ask yourself, is that what you really want?

I don’t agree as you can still COMPLETELY steamroll entire teams with junkrats kit and no one is crying to nerf his ult.

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you can completely steam roll an entire team with a good mcree, and he doesn’t even use hes ult other than to make the other team run away. So I don’t really see your point

Not through shields. Which almost every team has. You’re using “good” as an unclear variable… I can say the same about widow, sombra, genji etc… a good player can do anything to a bad team. You don’t see my point because you aren’t making sense with yours.

…? What?
You don’t have to nerf someones kit to have a good ultimate

doesnt genji already have enough?

his ult is fine for how easy is is to use

I see your point, I just think hes ult is fine. It has counter play just like every other hero in the game. Stop asking for buffs when that hero is in a good spot.

Name another hero that can do 900+ damage other than mcree

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I guess I didn’t respond correctly to your counter point. My point is that junkrat for instance gets rewarded for good play in his kit AND his ult whereas Mccree only gets rewarded for good play using his kit and MAYBE can get lucky with his ult if the other team is pretty new or playing a horrible comp or various other reasons that don’t normally exist in normal play. I should’ve used a better example.

It mostly sucks. I’m not sure it can be easily buffed either. Perhaps drastically reducing the lock on time might work.

I would trade it for something more interesting. Perhaps he could draw a second pistol and have double damage for a period of time, or improved fire rate.

I would trade it for a utility ult like a horse to ride around and double his speed shooting from horseback or something to go along with his already good kit. (Maybe even to get back to the team faster but it would kind of suck to have an ult dependant on failure to be useful)

I’m not saying he even needs a dps ult… he just needs some kind of ult that’s actually useful most of the time instead of like 10% of the time or against one matchup.

I get ya, believe there’s a lot wrong with this game, and I think a lot of it comes down to ults. Some ults are too strong on already good heros (genji) while other strong heroes have mediocre ults (mcree).

My best complaint about this game has always been ults. I just don’t think you should out right win team fights at times cuz you pressed Q. I feel like more ults should be like Orsia’s ult, or ana’s ult where it still takes the team to take advantage of that ult.

I just don’t like these junk tires quad killing, reaper team killing etc, etc. The game would be better if ults still required the team to actively take advantage them instead of just getting bullsh it kills with them imo

His ult is not even that bad. It actually gets better in high rank because it is such a useful zoning tool/shield breaker. If the McCree is safe behind a shield and being speed boosted into the enemy, it is absolutely deadly. It eats shields for breakfast too - that is not an issue at all. In this meta I would say it is better than visor, barrage, death blossom, meteor strike, (maybe) pulse bomb, and whole hog.

He has one of the lowest winrates in the game and is consistently in the bottom 5 heroes across all ranks individually. But sure, he’s in a good place.

The ult is so bad that many people use it to quick reload.
Or just to kill Pharmercy.

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Now that mcright click is the one true version of mccree, we just need to agree that his ult is a glorified reload animation

best use for mccree ultimate is free reload without disposition of roll

McCree is not in good place. He needs ult change or full rework.

I pretty much exclusively use it to kill valking mercy’s if they’re way out in the open, pharahs if they boost straight up, or to break rein shields. I think it’s actually still pretty useful for breaking rein shields if you’re not in a 3700+ lobby. (I’m not beint very specific with the sr there, it’s a pretty gray area type thing, i Just notice a lot of people like to look at you from behind a shield like “oh cool im safe”) With the FtH buff, I’ve been using it for a third fan too.

I like ults that have low impact and a lot of utility, but it just feels really weird knowing what it’s meant to do, you know?