Is kiriko locked or unlocked?

I just got into the game and it says kiriko is locked for competitive play, but I can still play her in unranked? And she is part of the battle pass. I’m confused is she locked or not

New heroes are always blocked for the first two weeks in comp.


But why is she in battlepass then?

She’s in the pass for those who didn’t pay for the pass. It’s weird that’s she’s in the premium pass too though.

Or actually she’s tier 1 in my battle pass and nowhere else though. And I think if you owned OW1 you got her for free no matter what.

I didn’t pay for the pass though and I have her unlocked I think?

If you owned OW1 you have her unlocked automatically.


You can play her in any other mode that isn’t Competitive mode. Theyve been doing this for years. I dont see why you would think a battle pass would change that.

she wasnt done in the oven yet, so they tacked her onto the battle pass last minute to “add value” to the battle pass

if you get her from the BP you can use her in comp, if you didn’t you can use her outside comp only

weird but… yeah, that’s the gist of it

Is this gonna be the case for every new character or only the first 3?

Just the first 3 heroes will be unlocked for OW1 owners. They’ll be locked behind the pass from here on out.

So if i dont get them from a battlepass in future seasons i never get to play new characters?

it’s actualy 2 new ones and kiriko from the BP :wink:

haven’t read much about the future plans though so i can’t comment if the future heroes will be unlocked outside comp.

If you do not get future heroes from a Battle Pass than there will be alternative ways to unlock them. For example if you did not own OW1 and did not unlock Kiriko after season 1 to unlock her you would have to win 25 games as a Support hero.

that seems reasonable more or less

she is locked until you get to level 55 on the bp. if you buy premium bp you unlock her instantly.

Also she is not allowed in comp at this time hence the lock.

You can’t use new heroes in competitive for a little bit

It gives everyone a chance to learn her kit without SR on the line

I know that but I was confused cause she was offered as a reward in the battlepass

who knows? certainly not blizzard that’s for sure!

You’re not supposed to ask this. Just give money like a good consumer and pretend to like whatever you get in return regardless of quality.