Is it weird I miss all the mercy drama

I’ll be honest. It is a tad bit weird. :thinking:

Here lemme help ya:

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Some of the Mercy mains went to custom games so they could remake Mercy 1.0 via Workshop.

Darkwaver and Amaterasu sittin’ in a tree

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In the end I don’t play much Overwatch anymore and generally went back to playing League of Legends.

Also I’ve lost a lot of interest in Overwatch because there isn’t much beyond Mercy that I even care about.


What tracking site has accurate information for the whole of the playerbase when Blizzard doesn’t provide an API to obtain that info without Players opt-in to having the info collected.

Some may say it’s a slice of the community but what slice is being tracked.

Blizzard is the only one who really know and they won’t want to release player trends because if there is a downward trend it will encourage a further downward trend.

Also I have not seen a tracker site that shows the aggregate number of players playing heroes only the percentage of play; therefore the tracking sites don’t provide the necessary info to prove one position over another.


I also have kept my profile public because I like others to see all the hours I have on Mercy which isn’t a 1000 yet but it is several hundred!

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I put mine private for the same reason, after 500 hours on her, I didn’t want to be pigeon holed.


Meanwhile they didn’t provide equivalent evidence to prove their position either.

They read stats as if they prove them correct when the very stats they relied on don’t measure the reliant information to substantiate their claims i.e. player counts or polls of the perspective players in question.

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Understandable. We’re basically opposites in this regard :rofl: but then again I don’t play OW much anymore but I might play some tonight, IDK.


Honestly I’m playing a lot more FFXIV than overwatch these days. Supports which can keep their team alive, and are real strong…

Think of it :heavy_heart_exclamation: - it is so good :slight_smile:

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I’m playing more League of Legends today where supports are more about setting up plays rather than healing and also picking up the older Fallout games! :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh my god, say it isn’t so! What kind of crazy idea is that? Supports doing supporting? it will never catch on :slight_smile:

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After reading this thread, I find it extremely amusing that the very idea of the mercy drama unearthed massive mercy drama.


It’s quite small to be honest since its about 1/63rd the number of replies that the big threads got, but everyone can play a part in making that change!

Not that it will mean anything else will change thou. :joy:

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Using Hours Played as a yardstick, does not translate well into good plays with the hero.

I find it refreshing. All the RQ and Doom threads were getting old. :slight_smile:

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The followers of AriaRose got my main account banned from the forums just for disagreeing with them, I say good riddance.