Is it this Friday AaK is gonna tell everyone "no" to 6v6?

Just trying to prepare the popcorn on time :popcorn: It’s not gonna happen… At least not any time soon… This time around will be a “no but we understand your feelings and will try to do other things that make you feel better”.

BUT, I will say, that it might end up being something they consider again down the road. The fact they are acknowledging the sentiment is a big step.

Personally, I don’t think its the best idea, but it’s just not something I think about a lot.

And honestly, I feel bad for AaK on this… He’s brave for taking on this conversation and telling the community “no” isn’t exactly gonna be fun for him.

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Next blog/dev update - whenever that is

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I don’t know if I need 6v6, but I do need to know how they’re going to balance solo tanking to make them feel good, but ALSO stop them from becoming annoying? I think they’re smart for ignoring the damage players who believe they JUST should get kills no matter what others do to stop them, but it’d be foolish to buff tanks to absurd levels regardless.


It’s very possible that it’s simply a breakdown of how queue times strangled 222 RQ, OP, but Blizzard are perfectly capable of surprises. I can see OQ being turned into 6v6 role limits, even if it’s just a QP:Hacked type temporary deal. I wouldn’t put money on it but it could happen.

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Of course they’re going to say “no”. I mean, do you really think they want to do their job(s)?

It’ll be a repeat of WoW classic where they’re like “trust us, you dont want this, remember problems x y and z that we fixed early on? You dont want to go back to that”.

Which will of course drive more interest and make more players want to find out what they’re missing out on.

Give it a year or two and boom, OW classic announced :sweat_smile:


Very blizzard-like to ruin something that was fine then re release it as “classic” and charge players a premium - this is honestly a likely scenario ahahaha


They did it with PvE already, it’s just a routine job for them at this point.


“You think you do, but you don’t.”


I might actually do that. I have a popcorn popper, why not?

:muscle: :thinking::popcorn:

Badfish is just as clairvoyant as the ThiccBuddha themselves. This is my divine prophecy as well. They will definitely say this.

:muscle: :face_with_monocle:

You never know! Anything can happen.

:muscle: :wink:

I am just here for the drama. 5v5, 6v6, 6v9, I am single and ready to mingle.


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I suspect it’s this. Maybe with some actual data from the time showing how long dps queue times were killing the player population. And how open queue wasn’t working to solve the player population issue either.


Aak probably doesn’t care. He’s made a mid game that’s going to make him and the rest of the dev team money for a long time no matter how bad they are at balancing or whatever the issue is. Instead tanks are getting buffed and I get to dunk on my main’s biggest counters for free.

And we’re still going to say no to Overwatch 2.

essentially they know that BOTH sides have an opinion on this.

1 ) “The bring us back Overwatch 1” group.

2 ) The “We now love Overwatch group”. (because of 2).

It will lead to either a future of bringing back past players that helped propel this game to the market in the first place. or it will offend newcomers that think “2” is great.

No, having a separate mode or separate game will not ruin Q times. The people that hated “2” have already left. There are some of us holding out from the original game. But not many.

At least bringing back the “not playing this game anymore” group. Will allow the game to have a bigger resource pool of paying customers.

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it’s obvious that they won’t change their minds about 5v5, also because it would require extra work just to go back to an old format (old and new heroes) that never exactly solved its problems. if they had these resources, they would be quicker to ship a story mode, don’t you think?

i find too many people even starting to deny the old problems of 6v6, and it’s ridiculous not to simply admit that 5v5 has DIFFERENT problems to address (not worse). it’s so difficult? :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

i think instead that they will announce a “classic” arcade: 6v6 and old abilities just for fun. it would be a much “easier” solution, and it would detox the excessive confidence that just bringing back 6v6 will fix the game.

But the format change is just a band aid fix for queue times and a the solution. Just as a example, if a new hero releases, that role will have a relatively high queuetime. the Format can maybe weaken the symptoms.
In the Interview Flats did with Keller, Keller said that the best queue times in Overwatch in the later queue where around Masters, so it can work.

Another problem or rather solution is a greater Hero selection, which was stopped in OW1 because of the development of OW2. Ram or Queen in Overwatch would likely increase the popularity on Tanks.

Its all What If… but it shows that its not as Simple as “5v5 solved queuetimes” F2P also had a fair share in reducing it.
The most popular role is now Support, which would have been the 10min+ queue with 6v6 considering it already surpassed the 5min marks rather often.

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I have my doubts about support being the most popular role currently, considering I routinely see sub one minute queue times in it. It gets ridiculous at high ranks, yes. But that’s more due to limited population at Masters+ ranks than anything else.

It’s been humorous watching FunnyAstro check other streams to see who’s in a game. He has to wait for them to finish before he can get in a game as there’s so few players of his level on at any moment.

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We don’t know when but what we do know is that we will be gaslit and lied to somewhere somehow. Shills will be like "See the game director has spoken everything he and EP says is the truth and if you don’t like it you can quit :crazy_face: "!

Meanwhile, by doing this whenever they do it, they’re going to kill the game like actually because there are too many people waiting for 6v6 to come back.

Oh, wait, OP has a condescending tone and hates OW. I can tell.


As much as I’d love for 6v6 to return, I think they’re either going to just waffle & be non-committal, or just say no. As I’ve said before, God himself could descend from heaven and say “Yeah nah bro 5v5 sucks, you need to go back to 6v6,” and Blizzard wouldn’t do it. Too big sunk cost fallacy, and Blizzard has been spiteful & resistant to backpedaling plenty in the past anyway.

I’d rather they just make a definitive statement one way or the other. None of this foot shuffling & silence

My prediction is

  • Explain how much they loved 6 v 6
  • A BIG “But”
  • “As a result we think 5 v 5 would solve the problem”
  • May consider to bring back in experiment mode.