Is it safe to use

That’s not what is happening.

Aimbots manually override and influence your inputs… they hack into the game’s memory to find enemy locations, and then literally play the game for you.

Color-triggerbots automate a macro to fire any time it detects a color. They influence your inputs.

Visor literally uses a fork of OBS. It’s streaming your screen footage to their servers and services to do all of the image processing, and then spitting out notifications exactly like a Twitch stream’s followers and alerts.

All of this stays firmly away from your inputs.

You can’t call them the same, because they aren’t the same. For all intents and purposes, Visor has more in common with Discord’s overlay, than it does with an aimbot or color-triggerbot.


If blizzard allows Smurfing then i dont think this is banable

To me it’s not a ‘this is the only way I can improve’ app - I watched a video from Your Overwatch this morning and it seems to me that the only thing that’s making the app ‘cheaty’ is the fact that it tells you when enemy ults are up.

To me it’s no different than having a friend stand over your shoulder and say ‘Stop trickling so badly, group up’, and other useful tidbits that a lot of people get from their friends. Unfortunately we don’t all have IRL friends who can do that for us, so the app is, to me, seems like a digital bestie who’s better than you at games. And that’s not so bad, IMO. [edit, some typos because it’s too freakin’ hot.]


Don’t risk it.

If you do and end up getting banned then it’s no one’s fault, but your own.

Major difference is, Visor just gives you info where aimbots play the game for you.

Visor is giving you info. How you use that info is up to you. It most likely won’t make most people play any better.

Hey Blurr,

I am in the same situation as you so I sent a mail to Blizzard. Here is the exact answer I received:

To be considered illegal the software must give an unfair advantage in the game. We cannot give an avail to specific programs, but as long as it does not create an advantage or makes automated moves ingame it should be fine.
If is just a program that shows your stats and gives you feedvback on your performance should be fine. But still to be sure, contact the developer of that software to know if it creates any possible issue regarding our guidelines.

According to that answer, it might be ok to use it. What do you guys think about it? Let me know, I’m really interested in your point of view.



If Blizzard can detect someone using it, I would not risk using it.

It tracks the damage the enemy team does to figure out when their ult is ready. Not worth the risk of using it.

Except it doesn’t do that.

There’s no damage data it can scum off of. It can only track damage dealt to you, not your teammates.

It tracks killfeed presence, sure, but it can’t suddenly know that the enemy McCree dealt 40/200 damage in his final blow, and thus gained +40 ultimate charge points instead of +200 ultimate charge points. It also can’t calculate damage dealt from falloff or armor damage reduction to know for sure how much ultimate charge an enemy got off of you and your teammates.

Because of this, it’s impossible to accurately pinpoint when an enemy has ult.

Everything is based on the default passive ult generation numbers which are public knowledge. The “tracking” isn’t tracking. It’s speculation.

no, no it doesn’t. There are only 3 source of information that visor pulls from.

  1. the kill feed. It can see how often someone is dying and who is killing them. It uses this information to give advice such as “Protect X. X is dying early in Y% of team fights / X has been killed by Y 5 times”
  2. Your Tab screen, information that is already easily accessed by you. The information it pulls from this screen is used to compare your stats to the stats of similar players.
  3. What you see in game. It uses this information to determine whether your team is near you, your team is trickling, or the enemy is trickling. There isn’t a whole lot the app can tell you from this source, mostly just tips on whether to play passively or aggressively.
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I am not good at Overwatch

If I recall wasn’t there another program that displayed overlay stats of your game? I remember Blizz banned some people for it but then undid the bans and said it was a false positive on a program they didn’t consider a cheat program.

In the short term you are right. Many would rely on it. Which means they would not be benefiting from it until a portion of the match is over. Which means valuable time will have been lost waiting for Visor to tell them what to do. That sounds like a distinct disadvantage when facing any opponent who knows how to make decisions on their own.

However, at the same time those who use it to LEARN from their mistakes and identify patterns will look to save their supports without its aid once they have noticed this weakness.

First off, Visor does not track ultimates. It attempts to estimate when an enemy has them. Much like players themselves do. Tracking would mean it KNOWS with 100% certainty that they have ult. This is not the case.

It also still has a distinct disadvantage in comparison to those who track ult on their own. It does not have the ability to observe enemy players behavior. A players behavior often projects their intentions and their behaviors have subtle (or not so subtle) changes when they believe they have an edge in a fight.

Visor cannot detect this edge. It can only crunch numbers. Numbers that are all not provided to it. Essentially trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces. Which means it can only guess at what the full picture is where as a player can actually know for certain through observation what the picture is.

Sorry, I understand your fears but I do believe they are baseless when you compare the information Visor gives to the information a skilled player can perceive on their own. The difference is stark and in favor of those who have already developed these sensibilities. Those who become reliant on Visor pose no threat to those who learn through innate game sense.

However, those who use Visor as a teaching tool instead of a rulebook will LEARN and outgrow the need for it.

I personally welcome people using it as a teaching tool so there are more skilled players on the field.

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The Visor is theorizing based on what is picked, going off kill feeds and performance averages of community.

I would treat it as, you should be able to stream with it, but don’t talk about using it much, much like how FFXIV community talk about Parses, don’t use it as way to judge teammates performance or opposing players in negative fashion. Instead try to use it, as a way to give insight and tips for players to improve coordination and cooperation in a positive way.

Most of the Visor comments is not ground breaking, such as “C9 LUL”, which is funny to hear, a good player already knows whats going on without the need for it, but it is a great tool for brand new players starting in the game.

Possibly could be great way to use for VOD reviews to see how your performing at every moment of the game, in your own spare time.

I asked a GM and by that one GM that replied to me about Visor and well…
it was quite a few no no no no!

He also mentions that it was great that I asked them about it being an okay program to use or not which again they said it was a NO to it being an okay program to use.

Overwatch doesn’t have GM’s.

Other people have asked customer support on multiple platforms and the answer was that this application is fine to use.

that’s strange, seems there’s some contention between the GMs on the issue. another player asked earlier and posted the response which was: “To be considered illegal the software must give an unfair advantage in the game. We cannot give an avail to specific programs, but as long as it does not create an advantage or makes automated moves ingame it should be fine.
If is just a program that shows your stats and gives you feedvback on your performance should be fine. But still to be sure, contact the developer of that software to know if it creates any possible issue regarding our guidelines.”

and as this thread and the other visor thread have clearly explained, even the notification that people are complaining about is not giving an unfair advantage because it’s so inaccurate and doesn’t take into account user-generated ult points (such as ult charge gained from healing/dealing damage).

No. Nice try though.

The video is complete match with no editing to cut bits out of the footage.

Never said they couldn’t?? And this round didn’t so… what’s your point?

And if Genji is focusing someone else and the player hasn’t been paying attention?

No, nor do you need to to see it. Question is redundant.

Yes, and what about the people who don’t already know how to track ults? (Spoiler: You don’t represent the whole community)

Remember the part where I said the logistics of how it tracks ults isn’t relevant? Guess not.

Which isn’t relevant because I haven’t even seen it and it wasn’t brought up until now, by you.

Yeah, this is what Ult tracking is. Real ult tracking done by a human isn’t 100% accurate. Sometimes you miss things, it happens. The programme doesn’t have to be anymore accurate than a person to give an unfair advantage, because it still reduces the amount of skill required to perform well.

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The McCree Genji Ilios example is literally their marketing material.

I… never said it was on Illios?

That’s a damn near impossible coincidence that there was a marketing video of McCree Genji ultimates before 5 minutes were up on a KOTH map.

There’s only 5 KOTH maps… that’s insane that we aren’t talking about the same video.

Do you have a VOD link?