I can’t link, so remove the space to see it, until somebody with a higher trust level embeds it:
h ttps://www.nerfnow.com/comic/2751
I can’t link, so remove the space to see it, until somebody with a higher trust level embeds it:
h ttps://www.nerfnow.com/comic/2751
Lol so true
Pretty much yeah.
Damn, my heart goes out to all of you comp DPS people. Although in my experience with QP, you’ll be skirmishing or whatever for a while before you find a game there, too.
i assume you are in gold so my tip as a plat/diamond tank and plat healer (no im not trying to flex i could care less about flexing on players below my rank if you are plat+ sorry for misunderstanding) just make a group i always name mine Gold Comp|Mics|open profile it works out most of the time
And this is why I, as a support main, hate forcing 2-2-2 onto Comp.
Why can’t they just open a Comp Classic and let the DPS mains play 6v6 DPS Comp if they want? Then if they complain about having no shield tanks or healing supports, point them to queue under 2-2-2.