Is it really a "bug"? or is it the truth?

the bottom line is that no one actually knows if supposed pros are actually the best. the only reasons people have given are “oh they’ve always been in top 500” or “they’re in league so they can’t be gold”. But, justifying skill with rank is not good support. compare to something like the olympics where you can actually see when one athlete objectively beats another one.

You mean…with their rankings??


How can a pro not be one of the best. Even without ranks or the competitive ladder, seeing GAMEPLAY from a player like Choi or Mano or Corey and gameplay from a silver or gold or even a 4.1k player is absolutely massive. The game knowledge, mechanical aim, decision making, and positioning are so far and above the rest of the playerbase that to believe that they arent the “best” is laughable.

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Woah, logic isn’t a valid argument here. Lemme give you appropriate gear for this thread.


yes, this is true. but once again you are not understanding that i’m critiquing the rank system. yes, skill can be apparent, but it is not good enough to say “ohh he must be better than this other guy cuz he LOOKS better!”

Lol I love how people are deluded enough to think they are actually better than OWL players. Just goes to show what kind of people we have on the forums.


As if it was a question who we had on the forums lol

I’d love to sell you some volcano insurance, do you have some time to talk about it?


Agree, This MMR reset has shown how their ranking system sucks

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According to OP’s logic the best OW player in the world is probably sitting at home, oblivious, having never played this game


You can if you improve! Don’t give up!

So inspiring…its hard not to give up when im solo queing support in silver and people blame me for losing the game even though I didnt die and had 45 percent of team damage taken. But yeah, totally my fault.

If people really are saying that, mute them. Do VOD reviews, look at higher ranked players, preferably streamers (ML7 is god tier on like every support).

The only thing you can change is your own gameplay, so don’t focus on others

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I have 2 amazing examples of people who aren’t even pro players who completely nullify what you just said.

Example 1, Samito. Samito had an account placed in gold after he did his placements on a controller. After that he used his mouse and keyboard. He stomped every single rank easily up until GM.

Example 2, Kabaji. Look at all of his unranked to gm series, they speak for themselves.

These pro players in OWL proved they can be pro through countless hours of hard work and dedication, and every pro can make it to the top 10 on the ladder if they wanted to, but that isn’t as important to them. They’ll make it to a good spot on the T500 and leave it there as a symbol.

DW, this is the gold junkrat feeding the enemy zarya charge all game while not getting a single pick or actually breaking a shield. “Im HeLpInG GuiZ, I dO A LoT Of DaMaGes”

It was a bug, take your aluminum foil hat off.

It’s toxic players like yourself that make this game bad.

How toxic of you

If you find that toxic I shudder to think what you think of others who are actually toxic

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I’ve been cackling at this post for a good five minutes now ty


I wonder what will they come up with this time to protect the above gold masters of Overwatch