Is it possible to nerf Genji even more?

From my personal experiences so far, Genji is no longer opressive to play against. I will not jump to conclusions and say he is no longer meta until I see what happens in GM the following weeks, but in my games he doesn’t seem oppressive anymore

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No. Not until we get more data on him and his pickrates. No need to dumpster the character


He really should not be trashed like that.

He is pretty fine as he is right now. Stronger than pre buff yet not op.

Probably one of the rather balanced DPS right now. I can’t believe I am praising Genji, but he is really no issue now.


Maybe but his ult still needs more counter play, especially now that his base damage is stronger

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It’s kinda arguably he is pretty fine
His dash and wallclimb spam are still problematic, making his TTK higher than any other hero in the game.

is base damage is actually less than before he recieved the last batch of buffs

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Really? It sure doesn’t feel like it , I guess due to the reduced spread

Id probably be fine if he kept all his buffs as long as they increased his ult cost…


i did the maths…


Other characters are dumpstered for months, why should he be so powerful for years though

That’s true but it doesn’t mean we need to dumpster others. Maybe the lighthanded way genji was dealt with will become the new way to deal with OP characters

Wallclimb isn’t used in a fight, not sure why you want it to have a cooldown. You’re proposing nerfs for non issues


I totally agree! As a Sage player he feels very oppressive

Let’s not forget that the first two should read “the second half of his buffs”.

The fire rate increase only goes back as far as April.

Is pickrate all people in this community cares about? The character feels like trash but no one cares because his “pickrate” is okay

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If you have a problem with his mobility its not genji being OP

Nerfing dahs to 10 meters would be way overkill, 15 meters is fine rn unlesss the enemy team is playing inside each other 10 meters would be way to little

yeah i said it in that thread that i refer exactly to the last group of buffs

Because pickrates and winrates matter more than something subjective like “feel.” A lot of people feel McCree is too strong, but he’s got poor winrates. So you can’t go by anecdotes.

Then we should at least be offering a comprehensive context, e.g. damage against a 3-arc degree enemy (an enemy who covers the central 3 degrees XY of your screen around your crosshairs) at 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 meters, where the inner two and the highest ranges would favor damage rate (because you’re forced to aim to hit with only two anyways, else hit with only one) and the rest would favor spread.

Since the last would actually be outdpsed by LMB, that’s really a 2 to 4 comparison though. Granted, with Dash or when an enemy is backing away (5 mps) from your forward movement (6 mps), you could skew most encounters into melee range. Still decreased spread and decreased recovery rate are pretty well even except on tanks, which simply pushes Genji’s focus a bit away from farming ults off tanks to contest the tougher or more evasive enemy supports and DPS to, through the added Deflect cancel especially, just going directly for those targets which are each less of an ult-battery but ultimately more valuable.

Oh, blade has a lot of counter play, you are probably referring to nanoblade (which is a completely different problem), and now his base damage is weaker.