Is it just me or is Overwatch definitely using AI art?

look at the main menu screen. its screaming ai art to me. the style, the backgrounds. i would also say the skin designs look ai generated too. but I can’t really back that up.

It’s not just this one key art, though. I feel like a lot of the art they’ve been using has been 2D. junos 3d render feels ai to me too.

i’ve noticed this for months and haven’t said anything, but am i crazy? is there no ai art or what?


i get it, AI has been around for a while and now people are very paranoid about it and call out AI art where there is none.


Does not look A.I to me. It is the same quality we have always got from bliz

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Their designers would be amiss if they were not using the latest tools to help make stuff.

I’m going to say almost certainly they are using some AI in their asset pipeline now.

If only for things like upscaling and the like.

While a concept could be AI generated… someone would still need to manually make that into all the crud that goes into an ingame model.

You cannot just plug in “Martian space girl with jetboots and gun” into a prompt and get a fully modeled, textured, and rigged 3d asset.

We are not that far.

It’s likely just outsourced, which they’ve been doing for years.

I’ll look when I get home… but backdrops being AI art is probably the least of our worries.

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I think you’re underestimating that activision blizzard is a billion dollar company and the literal top end of game development

these guys tend to have access to things that most people don’t, and the main reason i’m vying for this is cause publications have reported blizzard forced employees to use ai

ai art doesn’t belong in human creations full stop

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Ai being used for things like textures and other necessary but incredibly mundane and repetitive art applications is probably welcomed by people making games, even indies. In fact ESPECIALLY indies.

If they have AI that can do everything from concept to full models and rigging they would be a much bigger deal than they are.


Doesn’t look like AI to me but even if it was I wouldn’t care :woman_shrugging:

lol okay buddy. you can go buy a premium battle pass and all the skins then

I don’t buy cosmetics, but even if I did I fail to see the connection between that and what I said :smile:


I didn’t look closely, but I don’t think anyone on that picture had six fingers or three legs. I imagine it was drawn by a human.

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they dont hire devs for the ow2 project, they are JR DEVS at best.

At this point you will not differentiate AI or real.

Ai is everyday tool for many artists

Ai isnt new anymore, these kinks are capable of being ironed out. there’s other ways of sussing it out, things I’m noticing. And these skins don’t really feel like they were designed by humans.

I think the A.I. dev balance team is more concerning.

You can typically remove those with negative prompts. AI doesnt know what good hands are but it knows what bad hands are at this point. So tell it no bad hands.

As for the OP people are becoming increasingly paranoid about this. I could point out several instances where a mob goes after people who have provable drawn their art because “It WaS aI”. As it becomes harder to sus out people like the OP are going to go off whatever their gut tells them.


It is the other way round. The AI draws like that because that is the most common style that has been fed with, probably due abundance.

In my opinion, they use artificial intelligence when they create such crooked balance patches))