Is it just me ? Or does the SR

Skill rating closely follows the actual MMR, MMR is a “non-digestible number” that players would have problems understanding. Yes the actual hidden MMR can vary from the presented skill rating, but unless you are having a major win streak or on a brand spankin’ new account, the MMR will be identical to your visible skill rating.

Sources on this:


50/50 feeling means you are at your highest potential, to break it down, you need to improve. System dont care. When I smurf or boost my winrate is 95% up to masters, then it slows down to 65 near gm and 50/50 in gm. Is that system? No it is me playing less impactfull as higher i go.

"Win/Loss streaks no longer greatly affect most players in their SR adjustments and more tighter matchmaking restrictions are now implemented since the start of Season 4.

Starting with season 4, matches will no longer be formed if the predicted win percentage for a team is less than 40% even if this does not mean a large group is unable to find a fair match.

The post with the image link has been edited to directly show the image in-page."

This is directly from you, this year, in February. Forced 50% win rate confirmed lmfao


But that it is a bell curve is a choice. If you want to use a bell curved thing to be the basis of your matchmaker, you get what we see here.

Which it not going for a 50/50 match.

Or to put it a more reasonable way. Given the win rates for different ranks, if it is going for 50/50, it is doing a terrible job.

I think the matchmaker is good, EVEN though it gets the results it does, so, I think they didn’t actually go for the 50/50 match, but the “try to balance the match so people have average SR/MMR”

If you did say percentile matching, you get 50/50 except right at the edges. But, like, that is a very different kind of matchmaker.

The games may even be worse if you did it, more random, more stompy.

I’m not saying the matchmaker is bad, I am however saying that they are not coding it in a way where it will get 50/50 games, and a brief look at their stats shows they don’t.

That is cool. But it means that what they said about 50/50 matches was a simplification.

Making Matchmakers means you have to make a LOT of choices in how you make them run.

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I believe the best way to tell your MMR is seeing how much SR you gain. If youre gaining more than average SR points for a win and losing less SR from loses than average, your MMR is trying to get you into a higher rank. If your SR gains and loses are average (which is 25 gain/loss) the game thinks you’re in the correct spot. If you are losing more SR than average and gaining less SR than average, it thinks you deserve lower.

Take time to read all of the posts, yes, some of the information is outdated because of documented changes. You can also take the time to look at this overall guide if you rather not swim through old forum posts.

I’m just curious at what point is a player “ above average “ , is it like low plat ? 2500? Or like mid plat 2800 ? Or is it diamond to be above average

The 50% mark. last known is approximately at 2350~. In other words, most players are in Gold rank or lower.


The average player is 2400. So technically anyone above that is “above average”

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If you win, you climb.
If you climb, you run into harder enemies. It continues until your winrate gets stuck at 50% <- thats your personal ELO HELL


At top of bell curve.

Current top players are about 4750sr, /2 = 2375 is about average

A good portion of the bell curve forms naturally, even the developers have stated this in the early seasons (2 and 3). Again about a good 3/4 of the community is relatively close to each other in terms of actual skill.

I am out of time for now, again, the links I provided are a lot more elaborate details to how matchmaking works, but it requires a lot of reading. I will try to check back later if I have time.

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I’ve looked through it all, bud. The matchmaker for this game is designed to have fast games that are “fun for everyone” as opposed to having accurate competitive games that are engaging to competitive players. SR should be inflationary and reset on seasons imo, because the best players should win games consistently. Putting them in worse players games isnt fun for them, and it doesnt teach the worse players how to play. It just reinforces the idea that you just need to solo value 1v6 consistently to climb in a ranked competive TEAM game. It’s counterintuitive to the game’s own design. Let us OW players suck together; let us stomp together; let the casuals squeal in their 1v1s, and let the sweaties mouthbreathe together. It’d be better for the community lmao

So do all video game matchmakers. Remember its a video game, and delivering a fast queue time does have to take priority. If you want more strict matchmaking, for starters we have to get rid of role queue.

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It’s possible to climb I climbed from silver to diamond with changing a lot of things and mechanics practicing watching YouTube and studying hero’s , if you make the same mistakes you will never climb , but if you change how you will play you may climb more because your getting a different outcome

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That’s funny because I’ve had games on this account, that is low diamond, that are significantly harder than my account currently sitting at 3800.
I guess it’s just my skill is dependant on the account I decide to use though right? Or is just bad luck?
Come on dude.
Both accounts are around level 250 if anyone was interested in the time difference.

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I’ve made it to diamond from silver as well, I know you can climb. But that 2900-3100 window is loaded with boosted ez cheese OTPs that pub stomped through lower ranks and then the sweaty OTPs that pubstomped through lower ranks so you get a vast difference in skill range that makes your games wildly inconsistent. And the real issue is that wins only equate to skill in that rank for the few people that MMR said is supposed to carry that match. So instead of “keeping games quick and fair”, all MMR does is keep games quick and hopeful. There is a very key difference. One has competitive integrity, and the other is a casino. Overwatch ranked is a casino.

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In your opinion are the tanks underpowered

You must be playing tank or healer then.
OW is a team game, there is teammate factor involved especially if you cannot carry on your own.

Low diamond? 3500 dps players I would describe in one word - TRASH
3900 - piece of cake.
Low GM - this is where my personal elo hell located, takes effort to play.
4500 players - those utterly humiliate me. Unachievable for me.

It is very different for everyone. While 4500 is nightmare for me, for players like Dafran its piece of cake.

Right, but the matchmaker is getting that wrong, again, just look at the different win rates by rank.

If the matchmaker was going for 50/50, then they would be getting a lot closer to 50/50.

It isn’t.