Is Hog ever going to get his PTR

Cause I want to see who else is getting buffs and nerfs too.

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i mean honestly i expect them to just do the stereotypical “we’re working really hard on it” comment.


pestering threads like this are probably why they didn’t originally want to mention it


Maybe they shouldn’t be so vague :man_shrugging:t2:



i mean they basically said “we wanted to put road in the halloween ptr update before it went live”.

So they’re basically going to wait until after the halloween event to be done even though they can update mid event.

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There was no Halloween PTR-update, just a Halloween-live-update, if you mean this.
And there was often a new PTR-patch mid-event.

Patch is coming as soon as The Winds of Winter is published.


they pushed the ptr update with halloween event.

ptr hasnt been updated in a while.

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Ah, I got it now.

I guess, we have to wait until Blizzcon…

Realistically, any other major balance changes will have gone up with 1.2.9. Jeff mentioned that Hog’s changes were delayed, so I’d expect them and some minor number tweaks, if that.

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they werent delayed.
they just didnt finish in time which is what caused it to not be pushed with the event update.

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Considering Blizzcon is in a week and a half, they might have just decided to do one big patch with the new Hero, Roadhog changes, and other balancing all at once.

Stop taking this out of context. I am saying that the changes were delayed, as they were not intended to get their own patch. I know it’s been about a month. Chill.

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but required animations which they didnt have at the time so they didnt finish it in time for this update, therefore its “”“delayed”"""

I say the update will come on 32 October.

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Jeff’s post is almost a Month old…

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Just a little bit.