Is hanzo really easier to play than widow (without e?)

Hello there, I main support on my main acc and have been gm for a couple of seasons now. My main issue with these games is matchmaking. I have been getting good with every support, and have always flexed to tank on some other accs so i’m somewhat good at it. My main problem is when we do not have any dps players, and that’s something that’s bound to happen in GM. I’ve been practicing widow since around early season 8 on my smurfs, peaked at masters alongside with other dps, but my main concern has always been to learn widow, so I’ve gotten 80 hours with her.

I got in a team thought, and am constantly playing support. So i’ve been busy for a couple of weeks now, not smurfing whatsoever. Recently i’ve been grinding my lost sr back from placements and just bad mindset from scrims, got back to gm and face the same problems. Got back on my smurf and i’m complete garbage at widow. Feels like all of these 80 hours were for nothing.
I’ll be real, I main mercy (who wouldn’t in the current meta). You might say hey you can go goats lol! I tried that on lunar and we got rolled because the enemy team had a nutty widow and hanzo that kept rotating. We didn’t have a dva, but either way it probably wouldn’t have been enough.
Anyway, to keep this shorter, since double sniper is meta, I obviously have to learn one of the snipers. Yeah, i could just go back to maining reaper(spirit does it lol), but i’m too much of a pussy to do that, and know i’ll get scorned by my teammates for playing reaper(offmeta). Probably why i’m a filthy mercy main now lol.
And don’t get me wrong, i use my gun as mercy a lot. I don’t think it’s simply cuz mercy is a character that doesn’t need aim when healing.
I mean maybe because she doesn’t need to aim to do her job.
Anyway, let me know what you think of hanzo.

TIL you can say pussy on the forums.

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No Hanzo is is in mine opinion allot harder at range

That’s like saying Widowmaker is allot harder in close range.

Hanzo at range can still accurately spam chokes and hit tanks. He has an ult that’s a lot easier to get value from. He does take skill, it’s just much easier to get value from him than a widowmaker. Widowmaker is a situational pick, while hanzo isn’t. Also to OP 80 hours with widowmaker without previous experience with hitscans isn’t that much.

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I know, and i have been playing other hitscans as well, but it just feels like hell sometimes to keep and keep trying to get better at it. I just can’t dedicate all of my time on it, and if so then i will never actually get better at it. That said, as a support main, I play mostly projectile heroes (mercy, zen). The reason i’m asking this is because everyone keeps telling me that hanzo is such an easy hero to play. I’ve tried him and I was obviously dog---- at it but I wanted to know if I should start commiting my time into learning him instead of widow. But now that you talk about hitscans, it actually make sense now. When I started being somewhat nutty at widow, my ana was amazing(which is good as a support)
Anyway this pretty much awnsers my question, thanks endeavour, if anyone wants to chip in, go aheaaad.


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You could also learn dva. She’s way more positioning and gamesense focused (which overlap with mercy) than DPS characters. Then you could run goats with a dva vs double sniper if you don’t have dps.

Please take this with a grain of salt, as this is my personal experience with widowmaker.

Widowmakers have 3 types of aim. You either flick, or you track, or you track and micro flick. Tracking and microflicking favors McCree style as well as hanzo, flicking favors pharah and ana, while tracking favors soldier and lesser extent tracer and zarya.

I just thought I’d mention this as it might help with your choice with what heroes to flex to but as I said, this is my personal experience.

I learned how to be effective with hanzo in about 5 minutes… YEAH he is a joke to play. Widowmaker’s skill floor is significantly higher now.