Is echo releasing today?

If they do release Echo, I hope they bring back 132 in Experimental for a while, so people get a chance to get The New Thing out of their system quicker.

In all honesty, I want the Nano QoL option ASAP. I can wait a bit to play Echo.


It’s going to have to be a wait-and-see situation. We are in the normal time frame for a release but it’s entirely possible that she could be delayed because of current issues.

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Last time I checked (two or three days ago) Echo still didn’t receive translation to her voice-lines into my primary language.

I can’t check it right now, also I don’t remember if they do the translations first before releasing new heroes to live or they release the translations with new heroes’ release on live.

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I honestly forgot about that! What happens at the moment, does she use her default voice lines or does she say nothing at all?

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She says things in English, while all the other characters speak my primary language.


Echo’s Localization

I’d have assumed that voicelines were recorded months ago, honestly :pleading_face:. But there’s no way to know for sure!

It unfortunately may be that voicelines cannot be uploaded until lockdown is over, but we’ll have to wait and see

:3c /pet dis bunny, again! x3

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hehehehe :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: im a petting bunny now :stuck_out_tongue:


They may not have it for awhile but hopefully soon!

Yeah, that’s especially what they said in that thread you linked. Thanks.


No problem :).

Honestly I was happy for her release for months… but now she was delayed so much that I lost all the interest :confused:

I mean her origin story, design, op skill set is wonderful so I bow to the artists… but if we talk about hype/time management… eeeew… points down.


What is your main language.

What do you mean? They haven’t delayed her release. It’s been three weeks since she was announced.

Brazilian Portuguese

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Just wanted to know.

Who wants some lucio-oh’s?


What’s yours? I have the right to know now.

Mine is British English.