Is Climbing possible?

This. Although it would be nice to see hidden mmr. If I want hard matches I sweat for 3 wins in the <500. By the time I’m still <500, it’s nothing but me+throwers vs. sweaty smurfstacks. That match is easily plat-equivalent. Per win, you’ll only get 25sr (on avg), but your MMR basically leapfrogs entire swaths of the skill pdf (by player % skill) for the active playerbase in queue.

A reset is still the best option, by far. Compress everyone back to 1800-3200 range within a few matches, and let it spread out from there. Faster queues, an actually new season, less tail-end effects, and a fresh incentive to tryhard again since the anchor winrates (lol sr) leaves most people ded inside.

It really does. Climbing is impractical if you play 2-3 hours a night. Bronze matches are 15 minutes apart, priority queues are 7+mins. That’s maybe 50sr per night if you’re careful with smart queue dodging/sniping (more laddering skill than in-game skill). Every other account is a 3rd or 4th “alt” aka burner. The game will find you backpressure faster than it will spit you out of your rank. In low ranks, gameplay is totally disposable and the gains can’t be accomplished within a practicable timeframe.

There is no defending the state of the comp rn.

I’ve played overwatch on console initially and then made the jump to PC and have the similar result as others where I probably shouldn’t have queued comp when I did and now I am stuck in the basement (1700 - 1800).

It doesn’t matter how well I am playing, if am on the board, not dying, and doing what blizzard thinks is good for the team, It all comes down to luck when solo queuing.

My latest example, I placed 1707 and then went on a two game win streak up to 1828 and then a two game lose streak. In all games, I had the most healing on each team and yet after 4 games I am 1705.

On the flipside, my friend had a new account and I am by far a better healer he placed 2600.

It just feels like this is groundhog day; I win two lose two and just ultimately end up in the same spot. This happens time and time again and makes me want to put this game down.

I know there are a lot of people who just buy new accounts and Christmas seem like the time of the year where it is cheap again. Buying a new account just to me defeats the purpose and also I think feeds fire to the problem. I am sure there are whole posts about Twinks and this is part of the issue blizzard likely will never resolve either through limitations of policies or just wanting that extra 5$ at the end of the day.

I do agree with the last reply from @Reports that a reset needs to happen and I think they to it take a step further to make happen at the end of each year. There almost needs to be a statute of limitations on past seasons. I.e. if you haven’t played in two seasons, your stats for competitive reset.

It’s just frustrating as this game has so much potential.

This should be a time for Jeff and Co to experiment more because Overwatch is in a decline phase right now so if they can use this time to push new changes maybe they will have it all worked out for Overwatch 2.

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Climbing is possible when you are better than the rating of the rank. If you can’t climb that means you are playing at the same skill level as everyone else in that elo. Sorry


Lol all your posts are so negative and you go out of your way to troll people. Are you an example of being able to climb. You’ve provided no evidence other than you bad? How would you know? Provide some useful background information instead of just trolling people. How is your comment useful to the discussion?

lmao if this guy is still around, gfy for your 20 smurf accounts you prob have by now.

wait who are you responding to? me?

Climbing is possible, but NOT for healers :stuck_out_tongue: I am living proof of that, just because I’m an amazing healer, great at awareness and doing my job efficiently, doesn’t mean my bronze/silver dps that lack actual skill will do anything, tanks running in by themselves and feeding alone not realizing they are ALONE themselves, I’m forced to NEVER climb and never know what my true SR is as a Healer Main

it’s not supposed to be.

the matches are supposed to be 50/50 so if you’re climbing it just means you were misplaced you should reach your rank and then you’ll be there.


having 50+ elimination gold damage with alot of solo kills/final blows but still losing i wonder why mm.

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Yea… I was reading the first post, then saw the “WHEN”. … I dunno man, I am about to accept that I am silver and about to just have fun.

But I think I am starting to realize something… will post later on findings.

so how do the supports on the other team beat you?

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They beat me because the dps/tanks on the other team are targeting me, or they are just purely better dps/tanks than on my team, since it’s basically a lottery system through matchmaking to get adequate players at such low ranking which seems impossible, my team doesn’t notice, or even communicating with them, they never do anything about it, then when I die, they always are wondering where heals are, personally I get healing cards almost every game, in a way that’s bad, that means my team is taking lots of damage, leaves me less time to damage boost, I do damage boost where I can, but everyone takes too much damage, since I’m silver or less, they don’t know how to strategize to keep themselves alive and efficiently combat the enemy team, very rarely do I never get a healing card but usually means my team didn’t take that much damage and dominated the game combat wise, the main issue for most players at such low ranking, lack of awareness themselves, they only go by what they see, not only that not everyone is in voice chat, some choose not to, some forget when being in teams, so it’s not like it can be helped at all anyways

I know this comes off as hey, I must be the issue, but I don’t believe that at all, I’ve played in all Seasons from 1 to current, as a healer main, from the start, no adequate SR system was set for healers earlier seasons, so I was placed low immediately, then one of the seasons they stopped resetting SR entirely then I was hardstuck at silver anyways, then throwers and smurfs in season 4-5 were a major issue that I eventually dropped into 700sr Bronze, it was that bad, by playing through all seasons, I’ve learned, no matter what I do, how great I am myself, I’m supposed to rely on 5 other random allies that may or may not be adequate to climb at all, and no matter how many times I statue major issues on forums about what issues are, they are too complicated to be changed so easily, so in other words, I’m just stuck for forever, never knowing what my true SR is, and no, I have no other accounts, I purely play on this account, I don’t believe in using other accounts and solely against it

i climbed on healer only went from low silver to high masters/low gm games. its you not your team

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yes it possible but highly team dependent.

so, what you’re saying is that I need to be dps as a healer at the same time? I never understand these arguments because people only blame others, it’s a team game, if the team can’t help do their part, then how is one healer going to do it all for them TEAM TEAM TEAM GAME not about me

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Short answer, yes.

Don’t worry, according to some people you can most definitely DPS while tanking as healer. :wink:

I don’t think anyone with a sane mind would deny that climbing is possible.

However, the hardest challenge is KEEPING a sane mind while doing so.


Climbing rank in Competitive Play is possible, however it is completely incidental because matches are handicapped with MMR. More info:

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People that can’t climb either admit their downfall or blame the boogeyman

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