Is Climbing possible?

So when you go on the forums and see so many people saying its impossible to climb in this game or the matchmaker forces 50% win rate you start to wonder if it is actually possible to climb.
Let me be proof that you can infact climb. Before this season I was always in gold but I also didnt play that much. This season ive put the most time I ever have into comp and ive climbed 600 sr from where i was placed this season.
I started this season at 2.2k mid gold nothing really special or great, but thru grinding and actually being better than the teams ive played I have gotten to 2.8k!
As long as you actually try and improve, and put the time in
Dont let the people here convince you its impossible!
I plan to get this account to match my other account that has been floating around mid diamond the past two seasons.
If you need to get a new account play your best and place it see where that fresh account places you and if you see that it places two ranks above your main i want you to dedicate time to playing on your main and actually grinding comp because you can climb!!!

edit: I’m high masters low gm at this point, from originally placing silver all on my main


i have gone from low silver to low diamond fully in soloque so i can confirm its possible

you’ll also have enough salt to keep your tabs for the rest of your life as well


true, the toxicity can be alot but i found at those times that taking a break after two toxic matches or two losses that it really helped me stay at my best


stop effing solo queing. Like idgi. People are the definition of stupid. You go into solo queue time ans time and get shet on. Like bruh you know its messed up so why do you keep playing it. Stack up for once it helps so much in winning.


there is nothing wrong with solo queue, i find that sometimes i want to solo other times i want to group, it should really be up to the people and how they feel. Ive climbed both ways one way or the other
grouping doesnt a huge effect that ive experienced

let dogs bark and keep on queing, you’ll get more sr than you lose if you really pull your weight around. people around you can be terrible but you can still always do better yourself

Idk man im in bronze and in solo queue is just so bad here. Like its just 50 50 for me in solo. But when i 5 or 6 stack its actually fair matches with score like 4-3 not like 3-0 in solo where either you roll or get rolled. In groups i can say i have a 70 percent winrate where in total my winrate is only 52. I climbed from 700 to 1000 by solo and it was harddd. Now i am almost silver in week.

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Climbing IS possible.

The biggest problem I see is people playing comp way too early after starting the game, getting placed low, and than being held back by bad players/comps/toxicity in their elo. This happened to me. I started comp at level 25 and placed gold in season 4. Got trolled hard in comp, so only did my placements on my main account every season and got… Gold. For 5 seasons.

About two seasons ago I bought another account to see if I would do better than my main. To my surprise, I placed 3 elos higher than my standard gold rank that I get with placements every season.

I did not care that this account was gold. Comp did not matter much to me at all, only wanted the gold guns honestly. Until some guys in quickplay harassed me about being a silver border in gold elo.

So this season, I decided to climb on my best heroes. And I did. Easily. I had a massive winning streak with a duo, and managed to get almost half decent teams every match. I went from 2110 to 3300 in one season and I am still climbing.

At my current rank, I usually 4-5 stack with people I trust. We all fill particular flex roles and it always works.

Only problem I face now is because I legit jumped two ranks in one season, people are so quick to call me boosted even though I have maintained low to mid masters on 2 alt accts playing differsnt heroes for two seasons.

I really wish you could hide past comp history.

Fyi: Best way to climb is to use heroes with self substainability if you are solo queueing. Moira and Roadhog are great for climbing.


Sometimes garbage team with 4 dps and 1 ana and dva really doesnt let anyone do anything effective. Sure i can do my best with 4 golds with single digit kills and 4 digit damage if you call that pulling weight. For the performance sr you were talking about you need actual team to do it not just one man army

its hard to say which one you are playing but anybody can see that ana is not very good in that situation and even then those kinds of matches happen all around the ladder. Personally i can say that with zen and moira i have been able to carry my weight even in those situations with awarness, aim and dodging

Man if only ana mains knew they cant solo healz.

ana can solo heal if the ana doesnt suck, in elo that low id think heals from an ana would be shotty and sporadic at best. So in that elo a mercy is better or a lucio even. i know in top tier play you dont see solo heal ana but it can be done, not easily but its possible

im not referring that much to the soloheal but to the notion of the lack of protection. Ana can surely fight back very effectively (sleep dart&nade combos and whatnot) but her overall kill potential is not that great, especially considering the amount of resources and time it takes to fend somebody off

I agree with you . I ve been solo queuing exclusively from 800 sr to 2150 sr in 2 weeks or so . Reason is i used to play on a crappy laptop with wifi and changed to a decent desktop and 144 fps . It s really night and day and helped me climbed a lot mostly with sombra or zen . It s definitely possible to climb despite the constant forum whine. I still lack practice on a good tank and once i get it i hope to be more flex and it ll help me climb even more . Cheers


that is true a better set-up helps alot, when i got my new pc i got a new account to place it and got to diamond, i do kind of wonder what i would have placed if i hadnt of done it on the new good pc OMEGALUL

I titled down to 3900 from 4300 then from 3900 to 3474 by insta locking genji because how tilted I was. After that the climb back to 4k took around 2 days, I don’t see anything forcing my win rate to 50% other then 3+ support mains on my team from time to time.

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You literally are contributing to the problem you are complaining about.

I’ve climbed from low gold to high plat this season but the games in 2800-3000 are way more cancerous than anything before it. Just gotta grind…

I fall to Masters at the start of every season and manage to climb up just fine. Just play well, have presence in the game, make plays, communicate a lot and most importantly… learn from your mistakes.

I can guarantee if you’re hard stuck in a bracket - it’s your attitude.


what is this? i am an ana main…why i have to know, that i cant solo heal? everybody has to know on a team,tha ana,zen,luc cant solo heal…monkey cant solo tank etc…not just their mains…

If you let ana solo heal,that is your mistake too…the teams mistake. Yes ana can change to mercy, but her teammates can change to zen lucio as well…everybody is refusing to change…its everybodys fault. yes YOURS TOO

Why anas has to change? it takes to switch for them just as much it takes for you.

This game is not about you play with your preferred hero, and the team has to paly according to your choice with the fitting heroes…if they not, you just blame them? yes you do.

I am playing with mosty only ana…thats why i never blame my teammates for loosing…NEVER…because sometimes its my fault not switching. Even if its clear i did everything for a win,but we had a bad hanzo/widow, i wont ask them to change, nor i blame them.