Is Brig's New Skin the First P2W?!

The screenshot on the bottom is the new $25,000 skin.

Notice how the shield looks slightly wider.

I don’t know if this is a bug or intentional but I wouldn’t put it pass Blizzard to start doing things like this.

This has been fixed

It was just a visual bug


Doesn’t matter when her shield is constantly bugged and unable to block dva bombs and shatters lol


Although the shield looks bigger, the basic has the same hitbox as the other. Just like when a hero gets a hat or a cape. They are free to change them because behind the scenes the hit/hurtboxes are much bigger than what we see.

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I just checked the most recent patch notes, it didn’t say anything about fixing any Brig bugs. Do you have a link that says the bug was fixed?

I’m in the game right now and it looks normal

I think the character model looks smaller due to armor not being on…

And by contrast the sheild looks bigger

I mean, the shield looks a lot narrower at the bottom also. And it not covering all of the feet is one reason to Brig dying to D.Va bombs and such as well, so it would be more of a pay2loose in that case