Is boosting a bannable offense?

There is no boosting in QP. If they take that behavior into comp, they could get in trouble. But in QP people of any level and skillgap can duo, and if one of them wants to pocket the other, that’s not unacceptable.

no the soldier was the “”"“noobie”"""

It really isn’t. I see tons of BOOSTERS in Class Arcade QP mode. I use to be okay with it, until they really are weighting down the team or they make a STINK about it in chat.

Usually what happens is there are a pair of players a level 300 or 400 boosting a level 16 friend of theirs, and that is fine. But as long as they are not occupying SPACE or heroes that are needed to win. It doesn’t go too much noticed.

now if they are making absurd statements about how bad the team is. I report BOTH players for Sabotage. The booster and the boosted. As well as I report them for CHEATING. Since they are cheating the team from a WIN and making a big deal about it.

Sadly, 8 out of 10 games I get today,. The boosted player’s friend is making a MASSIVE deal about the win. Since all they want to do is force the team to win. So their friend doesn’t have to try. While their boosted friend isn’t doing ANYTHING to benefit the rest of the team. That is where I draw the line.

Which I am SORRY , but if this the case. Their friend NEEDS to spend time on their OWN learning the game. If they are given a crutch the entire way up in the first 100 hours. There are lots of skills that they will miss out on at learning. Such as avoiding ults and how to ROUTE properly around the map.

I don’t mind if players want to bring friends. But booster groups are nearly always TOXIC. Which is why I now avoid them.

Reporting does jack all, unless it’s “rAcIsM”. Years ago I reported a thrower who was 1-tricking Torb and jumping off the edge to ruin his stats.

The account name was “Trollbjörn”, and his winrate was 15%. It took maybe a week or two before I received a note of some action taken, and I wasn’t even sure if it was against that player.

yeah i sorta forgot you had to be level 25 to play comp. I bet they’ll play comp when the booster gets level 25 xd

To the general question, yes, boosting is bannable.

Yes the practice of boosting an account (either by grouping up or by accessing an account that belongs to another person) is bannable, but the behavior itself really doesn’t need to be reported unless there is some confirming evidence, such as the suspected user admits to doing so in match text chat. I asked Jeff Kaplan once about how we should go about reporting boosting accounts and here is what he said:

If you find that you are badly defeated by a player (of any XP level/portrait border) but they don’t say anything to suggest they are engaging in account manipulation, then you should not report that player. Overwatch is notorious for having “snowball momentum” and that can put emphasis on certain players who can look “god-tier” when they may just be having a darn good game.


It most definitely is.

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This would only applicable if they would play in Comp. Its unfortunate that its happening in Quick, but its still Quickplay. But yea, very likely they gonna duo in Comp as soon as the Level requirement is met…

Don’t listen to this at all. Report anyone who is doing any sort of account manipulation. It is gameplay sabotage, and it is easy to bait them into being toxic so you can hit up abusive chat as well.

If you’re trying to bait someone into being toxic, it sounds like they’re not the only ones that need to be reported.

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Depends on the bait.

I can bait someone into being toxic by only focusing them all match. Or I can be like “Hey insertsmurfhere nice shot” and they usually fly off the handle.

how do you “boost” in QP

Boosting someone means that they’re receiving SR by having someone carry them in Competitive.

And why is it obvious? Sounds like you’re petty

  1. its quickplay
  2. any smart mercy would pocket a carry
  3. you literally can’t see if theyre duo’d together, but nice assumption
  4. i have friends who makes alt accounts and they ask their mercy main friends (who play together at the same rank in comp all the time) to help them lvl up fast (group xp)
  5. the mercy being a higher level (when playing the hero properly) does not mean theyre boosted. If anything they could be the same rank on alts.
  6. A LOT of dps players on new accounts ask for Mercy pockets for the group xp bonus in the LFG section and bored mercy players often help out since its just qp

You really shouldnt read too deeply into this and stop immediately blaming the mercy.

I’m not blaming the mercy I’m just asking if its bannable. and the soldier was a really good soldier and the mercy was mediocre (no offense to her) in my eyes she’s getting boosted by that soldier as she’s only sticking to him and not even caring for the rest of the team. and im 100% sure they where duoing as from the beginning of the match to the end she was damage boosting him. if this was just a random mercy she wouldnt even have known that thafs the team carry that fast. and plus they were talking pretty actively and laughing in vc. that’s just my opinion at least

You literally called the Mercy boosted.
Thats an accusation (one not based on facts).

Is boosting bannable? Yes.
Is that Mercy being boosted? You don’t have a clue.
they literally could be friends on alt accounts who are the same rank/lvl on their mains. I have plenty of friends like that lol
Just because they dont care about the rest of the team in ‘quickplay’ and are laughing/having fun, does not correlate to being boosted, just the two players being bad teammates

Also boosting is something that can really only happen in competitive. Boosting means taking someone into ranks they do not belong in or playing on someone elses account to raise the SR.
Its not comp so no SR is being raised. And its not comp so no ranks are being boosted.

You cant do anything with boosters, they have multiple accounts for duo q and when they solo, they use customer’s account. Even if you somehow will proof that someone is boosted, the booster will just switch account/client. Boosting is unbeattable cause of the ammount of demand it gets.

Yeah definitely report that. Boosting is a bannable offense and even in a case where they were just friends playing with each other on an alt account because that’s perhaps the only way for the Mercy player to do so and the hero pick might come from them not wanting to break the game on some other support, it’s still better to report them just because. If they’re not boosting they won’t get banned. It’s as easy as that

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playing as well as you can is the only right thing to do.
If the system allows good and bad players to play together, it should be none of your business.
=> there’s no such thing as boosting, there is only throwing. You can always report throwing.