Is anyone on the dev team actually a Sym main? (PLS READ FIRST POST)

Heroes aren’t meant to be mained so no.

thats a rather elitist way of thinking.
Can you name all the niche heroes which people should only be using situationally rather than as a main because they like the hero or they’re effective at the player’s current rank?


Main, implies primary. You dont have 4 ‘main’ characters.

But they are, including by the developers, so it’s a fair question to ask.

finally, someone who can back up what i said earlier

And as I said above, being paid to playtest =/= maining that hero.

Today? Probably not, I have not played in weeks (months?) because of the lack of any kind of 2-2-2, and because people insisted on forcing bad picks because that’s their ‘main’.

In the past?

Torb, Sym, Bastion, are the poster children for niche picks that should never have been played on the majority of situations and maps.

Main, implies primary. You dont have 4 ‘main’ characters.

I rotated between at the time, depending on what we needed. You can even divide them into the appropriate categories (tank, attack, defence, support).

easy fix:

stop maining

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R u gonna tell that to Jeff then?

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Words matter. :slight_smile:

You flexed across roles to climb, by your own admittion.

ya give me his number

based on 2/2/2 he might agree

she was made because she was fun to one or more of the devs
she was made because her playstyle would be fun for players
she was reworked because they felt she could be better

why are you so vehemently in denial that anyone on the dev team only plays sym because they’re paid to. Why do you not genuinely believe that they play her because they like her

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Yes, words do matter, and by that definition I was not a “flex” because I didn’t flex onto whatever the team wanted, but whichever of my four favourites I thought was best.

why are you so vehemently in denial that anyone on the dev team only plays sym because they’re paid to. Why do you not genuinely believe that they play her because they like her

If that’s really the case and a dev is a Sym main they shoudl have no problem telling us then

I mean this is pretty comical, considering the number of people who one tricked this hero from one poor state of design to the next, I’m sure SOMEONE at Blizz does this as well.

Well Jeff has admitted being a Tank main so you might wanna recheck that

I mean this is pretty comical, considering the number of people who one tricked this hero from one poor state of design to the next, I’m sure SOMEONE at Blizz does this as well.

Says the guy with a Hanzo icon XD

the devs do not have to answer every beck and call to the people on this forum, as much as you’d like an answer, you’re not entitled to one

well when 2-2-2 does release on live servers, i do hope that you’ll get back to me with an updated list on what are still considered niche picks

Take the next step, I’m not a coward with a hidden profile.

not to defend jeff because i dont like him either but maining a role isn’t the same thing at all as maining one character

I love that my hidden profile triggers you so much

the devs do not have to answer every beck and call to the people on this forum, as much as you’d like an answer, you’re not entitled to one

Of course, but it does nothing to dispel the growing suspicion amongst Symmetra players that no one on the dev team actually mains Sym

Even better, I did not bother to look, the CONCEPT of it proves enough for me to deride it.
