Several seasons ago, maybe a year ago, I placed low gold tank, low silver dps, and high bronze support. At the time I was maining Mercy and Lucio (and still am), but most of my experience was tanking (Orisa, Zarya).
I think I placed 1256 support. My SR is down under 600 now.
I’ve said that the caliber of games in bronze competitive is way higher than it should be. I’ve said that most of the players are actually experienced players, alternately killing all the noobs and then throwing games to keep their SR low. I don’t think people believe me.
But I created a new account to test a theory. I thought I’d grind my 25 levels and then do placements. I think it likely that I’d place gold (I’m better at support now than I was at tanking when I placed gold in tanking). And if I did, and stayed there, would I have proven that gold is easier than bronze?
But my 25 levels have not gone well. I’ve got a 33% win rate on Mercy and Lucio. Is this just unlucky? I mean, even if I just suck, the matchmaker is supposed to find me opponents that suck, right? Why isn’t it doing that?
My theory is that the matchmaker thinks I’m better than I am. It’s using metrics other than wins and deaths (because I’ve sucked there!). I do usually get gold healing, I am often the last to die in a team fight, even as Mercy, I am often the only one coming back from a team fight to meet teammates coming from spawn.
What if my MMR is actually really good, and that’s why I’m being placed into games with players who are better at winning than I am? Whether that legit represents my skill or not, if it’s true, then I just might still place gold, right? If I manage to win a few placement matches?
Seems farfetched, but I only have two more levels to grind through to test my theory. But I’ve been so frustrated at losing that I’ve requested both my accounts be deleted. I’d have to cancel that (for the second time!) to test my theory.
Anyone think there’s a chance in hell I might discover that gold competitive is easier than bronze, and thrive there, where I just kept sinking further and further in bronze?
Anyone think it’s worthwhile to continue?