Is AndyB coming back?

Let me make sure I am very clear about this, if an opportunity is available for me to join Blizzard and I know I can make a difference, I will try to pursue it. I have applied for many positions in the past and I know I have the support of many of Blizzard’s current and past team members. However, it still comes down to making sure the best people fill their needed roles, and I want my experience to be fairly compared to others with relatable skills. I have no regrets not being presented with an opportunity to join Blizzard, instead, I often gain more insight and experience.

Right now, you may notice there is a Community Manager role position for Overwatch on Blizzard’s career page. For as tempted as I am to apply, I am lacking core experience for that role’s specific duties. The good news is that I am finding ways to build on that experience in the gaming industry as a whole, and I am actively looking for great positions where I can make the leap. Understand though, it may not be for Blizzard in the long run but that is okay because I have transformed my career path into one simple goal.

To use my skills to help make games a better place for everyone.

In the meantime, I greatly appreciate Jodie and Andy’s support in my efforts as a forum MVP, along with many of the others who I have worked with in the past. Just know that I don’t expect any shortcuts or favors, just the opportunity to learn and grow where I can. And when the time is right, I will be ready for a bigger challenge.