Is a Widowmaker Nerf needed?


I think they just need to revert the grappling hook cooldown back to what it was, so she can’t move so often.

If she is babysitted by mercy or others around her, it’s really hard to get near her and even then your health is either low, or she falls down and graps back up again to avoid you and repeat.


Ah let’s look at it. Hanzo has no CD on wall climb and requires less aim, has more impactful ult and more burst damage. Yet here we are sitting discussing how we can nerf hook (that already has way too long CD) on a character that actually requires good aim.

Do we want WM being a troll pick again?


No, I know she’s played a lot but she’s high skill high reward. In a meta of triple support and brig you can totally understand why double sniper is the way to go. Instead of trickle damage which gets healed, they do one shot burst damage which can kill before they have a chance to heal. Staying far away from brig is another good reason, why play the classic Genji or Tracer or Cree when you can just get stunned and die? May as well fight from a distance in this meta. Just wait this meta out, and if you’re struggling against a widow then there are always counters, as a widow main I recommend learning to counter widow. Can’t beat the enemy widow? Repositioned 300 times and she still finds you? Get yourself a Shield™ and focus her down. People get hysterical when an enemy widow is doing well, but there’s always a way.


she has been meta for all of OWL. it started out with only widow maps and has been picking up steam to the point that she dominates OWL on most maps.
contenders and OWL is where this game is balanced around primarily, she needs a nerf.


and how we should nerf her exactly?? take away an ability to one-shot?? or??

i would actually lower her health a smidge. start with 175. ranges fire should force her to disengage more often than it does now. now she just slowly moves left or right waiting to line up a headshot.

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This is why I think hanzo is really strong now , he has become way to hard to lock down now.
Same with widow mobility creep is starting to be a huge problem in this game


Widow needs some kind of change. Her smg is getting more falloff which is a good step. She doesn’t need something extreme but with the duel snipers she is so strong that no hero compares. 100hrs on widow will carry games while 100hrs on another dps with set you above the rest but not have enough impact to win games alone

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Hmmmm… that’s her only means of surviving if she gets dived so probably not.

Well, if we’re really pushing this … why not make it so that she falls only if the rope or the hook gets hit? :smiley:


That’s a flat out lie. I have 100 hours on Widow and I can assure you I don’t carry games on a regular basis. Kephrii has something like 1000 hours on Widow and he carries maybe 3/10 of the games he plays. Widow is incredibly hard to get consistent value out of. She’s very team dependent. She’s needs an entire team to play around her for her to pop off. Hanzo is a one man army. Widow doesn’t need a nerf. Hanzo does.

3 Likes is nerfed and Winston is barely playable.

Widow Hook CD should be reverted to 12 again. Widow by herself puts everyone uncomfortable because even if the Widow is a bad player a lucky shoot can determine a game.


how about no. Widowmaker doesn’t need a real nerf. She comes and goes with the meta.


No ?
What the heck dude.


Don’t nerf Widow maker. She is one of the few heroes in the game that actually requires aim in this “fps” game. One of the dumbest parts of the game were having good aim that you worked hard for, just so Winston can jump on top of you and hold down LMB. That is incredibly STUPID game design to return to.


She is the sole long range hero in the game, and a hard one at that. However, she is showing a level of dominance in the higher Elos, so a tweak (such as the one we recieved) could be warranted. It could also be that mid range heroes simply struggle.

That’s the point of the grapple, to set-up AND escape.

I’d be fine with this on one condition, damage has to have a required minimum.

Currently Sombra loses stealth if she’s hit by ONE D.Va bullet from across the map, that wasn’t even aimed at her- and she takes 0.5-2 damage, she loses stealth.

If Sombra is hit with ANYTHING, she’s taken out of stealth.

We’re not doing that to the sniper who HAS to reposition.


But and Winston has mobility abilities aswell on shorter cooldowns?

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If she is still meta once Hammond/Symmetra/new Sombra/Mei fall off are deployed. I would actually beg Blizzard for nerfs. However, it is just not going to happen. She will go back to a relatively low pick-rate even at higher ranks.


No, it’s a terrible idea.

You may as well have asked, “what if’s boosters get cancelled when she takes damage?” or “what if Pharah loses the ability to hover when she takes damage?”

Sombra’s invis isn’t even on the same level as all the other mobility abilities, hence why the latter group don’t incur the same penalty when hit.