Irritated with Hero Launches

I just need to vent this frustration. I am incredibly irritated with how OW heroes are launched, but Venture is going to get the brunt of my frustration. Why can’t the devs not release a hero that isn’t overturned?

Venture is miserable to play against. High value, low risk, high damage.

Imagine if Genji gained up to 75 shields for dashing through enemies. How incredibly outrageous would that be?

Stop releasing overtuned heroes!

And don’t wait until mid season to nerf Venture.


Agreed, it’s lame havign to hit him like 5 times with mcree.


I don’t know why they insist on make the game less fun after a hero drop.


They just need to release the next ones sooner. I really am a firm proponent that this game needs like 100 heroes . It would be gamebreaking amongst the genre and would rival LoL due to sheer depth

Thats not a fair comparison, genji can deflect and has a way smaller hitbox, venture has a gigantic hitbox, if they nerf his dmg or combo he will be absolute garbage tier.

Nerf Venture and you get another Reaper (i.e. a character many complain about) situation. What people want would require a rework of Venture just like they’re doing to Reaper currently.

they could nerf the damage drill does and reduce the cooldown to like 6 or even 5 seconds. theres no reason that you can primary drill primary and do 260 damage in less than a second.

Venture requires no skill to play. That isn’t a good hero. So much value for brain dead players.

Standard operating procedure.

1.Release an overtuned kit, to bump up player numbers, and sell skins/passes.

2.Pretend to listen to feedback, and farm a modicum of good will.

3.Release a new hero

4.Repeat steps 1 to 4.

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