Ironically the day Blizzard fixes Mercy is the day the game resurrects

Yeah but GM is like… 1% of the playerbase, if even that.

So even then, overall, she was still the most favored healer.

Ironically, the original Mercy nerf is what cost them hundreds of thousands of players. This post: fact check much? Lol

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Good thing OW isn’t purely revolving around GM. You’ll see that in that chart, she was still highly picked in Masters too. But I’m the end, she still had one of the highest pick rates. Moira was picked more becuase she had the group heals. Didn’t take long for people to realize Mercy was a better hero over all with much more utility, which is why Mercy soared right back to the top.

Unpopular opinion: it was balanced before on mercy 1.0, it was just annoying

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I don’t personally know of anybody that complains she is too strong or is waiting for a rework or would even consider quitting over it even if they did think so.
So basically the entire original post is yet more bull trying to pressure the developers by repetition of false complaints into making an unnecessary change.

Ignorance is bliss. Ana was a must in S3 while Mercy had Mass Ress. Mercy was a throw pick. Both were fairly balanced back then.

Buff other healers and you will see different comps each game.


Why am I ignorant. What you are talking about is the support heroes whole package, what i talked about was the ability rezz itself. Of course Ana was a must pick cause she had so many of her abilities over tuned that mercy had no chance.

Season 4 was the only period where Mercy and Ana had some similar pick rate and the support characters were balanced. However the main problem that still persisted was that especially at the top 20% pulling or using the ultimate for Mercy was hard or impossible to do. Mercy players in their numbers complained about it on the forums. These complained did not start in season 4 but were there through out and start of season 3. Through out season 3 or 4 no one complained against the idea or the fact the rezz being already strong. Meaning no one cared as much as the ability of rezz never had a big impact at the top 20%.

As a result Blizzard listened and buffed rezz in season 5. If Blizzard buffed rezz, what does it mean? It means Blizzard agreed with Mercy players that rezz was weak and could be much easier be stopped than any other ultimates in the game.

How in the world is rezz balanced? It means that rezz was not balanced and never really to begin with. The problem overwatch had in regards to supports was that all of them were overtuned. The problem for Mercy is that unlike other supports the ability of rezz is over the top in itself.

The only thing the devs could do is just 2 meezly simple things. Swallow their pride and admit their mistake. This rework was a mistake and we all know it.

Well guess what theyre bad at as well as balancing? The 2 things I mentioned above.

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literally, completely revert her, remove invincibility add a 0.8 sec cast time and 65% damage resist, there, all for rez btw, There, balanced.

So it was balanced when Mercy was a throw-pick?

Then switch guardian angel with sleep dart and see if mercy still stays meta. You people just refuse to accept that supports should be strong too. And by strong I mean at supporting their team, not killing the enemy.

If Ana is in need of help it doesn’t mean nerfing mercy would actually help her.

  • Ana can’t heal thru barriers.
  • If Ana misses her sleep dart she’s dead while mercy has a 2s cd mobility. (Also ana can’t sleep dart 2 enemies focusing her, can She?)
  • Mercy ultimate is more of a support ultimate compared to nano boost which just isn’t great.

And you still whine about your skillful brig kill being rezzed?

I’m a support main too i’m just realistic mercy is op

Look all im Tryin to say is that dps players just want supports to be their punch bags and it’s absurd. I really want Ana to be a viable pick, She’s my 3rd most played hero. And I do believe that Mercy is a must pick but she isn’t necessarily OP as people think.

Again, take brig as an example. She instantly heals a 200 hp hero with 150 hp every 6s in a situation where they definitely should’ve died. People say rez covers mistakes. Doesn’t this 150hp cover mistakes for a hero with 200hp either?

If you ask me they should just bring back mass rez (when Ana was also a decent pick) but make it counterable by giveling it a 0.65s cast time so while it’s hard to counter, it’s also high reward.

Also letting Ana and moira have half their normal healing thru barriers would really help them

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Didn’t you know? Mercy was super crazy OP with mass rez!!! /s

Even though she was a troll pick for the longest time WITH mass rez as her ult.

Ignoring your “hide and rez” comments, you can’t tweak how she is now and expect things to change for the better. She needs reverted with tweaks or reworked. She cannot stay as she is, tweaks or not.

It’s been in the game since launch, and wasn’t a problem until the rework. It’s one of the most unique aspects of the game. I think it belongs just fine.

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The cast time in Rez makes it balanced. It’s better now than it was when she had the 20 second Valk and extra Rez. I liked it better when it was a small radius of people you could Rez, you know, like it was when she first got Valk.

I definitely agree with this. You can’t just add healers. We need MAIN healers.

What a great way to open the forums up for mature, unbiased, non-baited, non-toxic discussion. Thank you Orgen.


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She is a doctor, not a necromancer after all.
I’d be okay with losing res if she got something in her kit that actually flows with the concept of a speedy doctor flying all over the place, keeping people alive.