Ironic. He could save others from Hype, but not himself

All right. It’s another one of these “check your hype” threads. Bear with.

Little surprise forumgoers. L I T T L E

He’s said it himself.

Also this:

Always so much hype over nothing major lol


yeah lemme just say in the same post he says there will be no dev update, meaning whatever it is it won’t be ANYTHING MAJOR OR WORTH NOTING.

Still excited, hope it’s something like that skin cola challenge thingy :smiley:

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Jeff: Cool little surprise that might not release next week.

Community interpretation: Major expansion with story campaign and 6 new characters, 8 new maps, map editor, role queue, guild system and Brig deleted, releasing at Monday 12 am PST.


these days in the gaming industry ; it’s a good idea to never get hyped.
maybe in a few years if the industry steps it up i might fall back into the hype traps.


Yeah right. The industry has got us where it wants us.

Think the yearly Madden/Fifa buyers care what EA do to game studios?

No dev update has nothing to do with it being major or not. Recording dev updates is based on Jeff + video crew availability.

During winter months, it’s very difficult to coordinate these things. Winter is when video crews operating in California basically disappear for 2-3 months.


:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:

actually it does, every major update and a new feature added to the game has had a dev update. So people thinking it’ll be a replay system or like guild thingy without a dev update explaining it into detail are dead wrong. What i assume it’s gonna be is the new earn some cool skins challenge thingy or some ui changes but nothing major.

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I’m not hyped even for the next event anymore, it’s gone to worse and we get less and less skins every event. The only thing i could be hyped about would be guilds, and only if they’re not friends list 2.0.

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How many times will we have to point out that there’s an old piece of news that teased a big surprise for 2019 ? Not the cool little one announced a few days ago.

We have 349 days left of 2019. This won’t be the third social feature.

What ever you do, what ever you say.
Its still gona be dissapointment for people.
Nothing can save now secret content strat.

Gamers getting burnt by EA, nothing new.
Gamers getting burnt by Bethesda multiple times.
Gamers getting disappointed by Blizzard announcement about their mobile game.
Gamers getting disappointed by Sqaure-Enix discontinuing Final Fantasy XV other episodes.
And so on…

Yea, not a good sign with getting hype for anything game related. People are setting themselves up for disappointment for being overhype.


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.

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Is it wrong for me to be excited about anything that they give us? Is it right to complain everytime we receive anything?

Is it possible to learn this power?

Community interpretation: Major expansion with story campaign and 6 new characters, 8 new maps, map editor, role queue, guild system and Brig deleted, releasing at Monday 12 am PST.


Probably because we’re desperate at this point.

It just shows how desperate is the community for contentment cuz the game has been is such a terrible state for so long.

Also I am totally on board for a mini event.