Intentionally locking out a one-trick out of their hero just to spite them counts as gameplay sabotage, no?

Golden guns!

Gotta get em all!

Oh, I’m not saying that tracer is easier than winston. I’m saying that you are incorrect in saying that winston is an easy hero.

I am saying lower down the ladder. Where people don’t stay together and can’t aim.

He is easy there.

Oh, well sure, but generally the winston players in those ranks are there because they can’t get his kit down and are ineffective on him, so it balances out.

Yeah, so my point was.

At that level I can climb easy on Winston but I want to be practicing tracer so I am not going to pick him just because he is easier for me at that skill level.

I would rather be focused on a hero that I find more difficult and fun

Unless you have very concrete evidence that someone is specifically doing it to prevent you from playing your character of choice, I don’t think it’s going to have much success on a report :thinking:

Okay, that is understandable. Sorry for the misconception.

No it is not reportable because hero selection is not a reportable offense.

The reason behind their pick has absolutely no bearing on account actions as long as they are trying to win the match with whatever hero they are on.

No. Hero choice is not reportable even if it’s spiteful. As long as they play and don’t jump off the map or sit in spawn emoting there’s nothing they can be reported for.

One-tricks, or anyone, are not entitled to any hero. Hero choice should be a team decision anyway. At least it should be for a competitive game like OW.

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You can’t report someone for there hero pick /s

You cannot blame people for playing a hero you want to play even if they play it worse because they have the right to play whoever they want as well. If they want to be petty and lose a game because they are playing someone they are bad with just to spite a teammate, as long as they are not intentionally throwing they are not doing anything reportable.

If you go by your same logic, a one trick pony that plays something like attack sym or torb on maps they are absolute garbage at, they are throwing by playing a hero in a situation Blizzard did not design them for and would be a reportable offense.

People will get salty, people will be jerks, stuff happens mate you gotta just get over it and move on.

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This posts argument was a very interesting read.
a lot of irony in it with the whole one-tricks cant be reported for being a one-trick, but if someone else picks their hero after the first round then clearly it was spiteful and deserving of reporting. i mean they cant play someone I don’t want them to play!
personally if I had a one-trick sym on my team on attack and we then switch to defense and they don’t instant lock sym I will be inclined to pick her. not to spite someone, especially as I don’t actual check if someone is a one-trick or not, but because I enjoy the hero and want to play her.

I’m pretty much a one trick unless they want an average Tracer/Widow. And I can heal fine at a last resort. The thing is you shouldn’t be punished for playing what you like. I know I’ll win more as, and I’m sick of people bullying. I’ve played others and I’m merdiocre on them

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The one-trick should learn to play other heroes.

It is no one’s fault but their own if someone takes the only hero in the game they can play.

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I’m not assuming as the title of this thread clearly states out of spite
But as usual 1 trick haters take it and put it in thier own context to fit thier needs/wants they’ll never get

Then maybe you should read the whole thing and not just assume things based on the title.

What is better, a average onetrick and maybe in your eyes 1 bad pick or 2 badpicks YOU force with your behavior by locking the onetricks hero? You double the risk to lose. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I didn’t know a title could be that long

Except I did read the while thing which had everything to do with the context the title set

Either hero picks are reportable or they aren’t. You can’t have it both ways.