Intentionally locking out a one-trick out of their hero just to spite them counts as gameplay sabotage, no?

Because of recent events (Blizzard changing the report system options), people have recently started justifying spiteful auto-locking to hurt a one-trick. They use the defense “you can’t get banned for your hero selection” as justification for a spite auto-lock and have started agreeing that locking a one-trick out of their hero is an acceptable practice and endorse it because it not only “deals with the one-trick” but the recent changes make it seem like they are immune to reports.


A refresher on Gameplay Sabotage’s definition.

Gameplay Sabotage, as defined by the in-game report option IS;

  • Actively harassing or disrupting your own team through the use of game mechanics or player actions. This includes placing a Symmetra Teleporter exit at a cliff edge, or intentionally allowing yourself to be elminated by the enemy team (i.e. feeding).

Gameplay Sabotage IS NOT;

  • Simply making a mistake, playing poorly or an unwillingness to switch heroes.

I’m pretty sure that’s still reportworthy. Right?

If you get saddled with a one-trick and want to punish the one-trick, and you use the hero select phase to sabotage the one-trick to prevent them from playing, that means you’re sabotaging both your teammate and your other teammates (who might not like the one-trick, but sure as hell doesn’t want to deal with drama either).


What does it matter in pratice? Nothing:

1.) you lock the one trick hero: he/she cannot play anything else, you will probably lose
2.) you dont lock the hero, but its going to be off meta like sym torb etc.
What then? nothing, it will be countered anyways…

The problem with the system that it doesnt punish the soft-throw. Thats it. OW is the most disgusting safe space in my eyes. It cuddles casuals and their feelings soooo much. This game wants to represent an extrem side. They said that they ar enot punishing one tricking because they want to protect some freedom in this game, even though in some cases it should be categorized as poor teamwork, hence a throw.

And this is going to be in your head all the time and influences you as well. You see an atk torb on hollywood? My first though is, “ok we lost” and i dont even want to play anymore, or just soft throw myself as well…


Not really no. You picked the hero first, and so you can play it, even if “Intentionally” picking so the one trick can’t play it, and the one who took it actually tries to be good on the hero ? Nope, nothing breaks the rules there. If they do it to troll or throw though ? Then yes.

A one trick does not have RIGHTS to demand that hero if someone else already took it.


You can’t have a double standard. They can play your one-trick if they want.

  • A one-trick


  • As a mildly successful one-trick, I want to emphasize that one-tricking does not entitle us to first dibs on any hero.
  • When someone takes Sym just to stop me from playing Sym (happens a good 10% of the time), I’ll roll my eyes, sigh and choose another hero.
  • Most of us understand the position we put our team in isn’t unanimous. We also understand our only defense is Blizzard’s official stance that anyone may play whatever he likes as long as he’s pressing W and left mouse.
  • As a one-trick, this leaves no room for interpretation on what constitutes Gameplay Sabotage. This means we can’t do a 180 and try to interpret Gameplay Sabotage in our favor when someone takes our one-trick away from us.
  • We specialize in a hero to the point we are effective on every map and every objective. We choose specialization over diversification and that comes with the risk of getting countered or not being able to play our hero. If you can’t take it like a man when things don’t go your way, maybe you shouldn’t one-trick.

I’ve had people intentionally take a character from an OTP but that was because they wanted to play it and played it better.

One game on defense the OTP Widow could not land a single shot. On attack someone else took Widow and consistently got picks. Sometimes the person taking it is better and is helping the team more by taking it over than letting the person not helping have it.


A one trick that doesn’t want someone to play a certain hero…:thinking:


Nope, they paid for the game, if they wanna play the character they can. :joy:


you are not comparing apple with apple. atk widow is better and easier than defence widow

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then if i paid for this game just to jump off the map , because the death sound and animation is soo cool, it should be acceptable as well and should never be considered as throwing :thinking:


Why would it be, they are trying their best and hero selection is not reportable.

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


Suppose a hypothetical situation;

  • One-trick does average/below average for the first round
  • Teammate gets angry and spitefully picks that hero the second round so the one-trick cannot use them
  • Teammate refuses to switch off, despite that one-trick politely asking for their hero back
  • Teammate proceeds to do absolutely nothing better than the one-trick as that hero

In the realm of one-trick ponies, who literally cannot play anything other than the hero that they’ve played the first round… if you’re the teammate doing a spiteful auto-lock;

  • you’re blocking a teammate from playing with their best hero
  • you’re also playing that hero that’s allegedly ineffective and also currently being countered
  • additionally, you’re forcing the one-trick to a hero they’re much worse on

How does this not count as a reportable behavior?

And before you say it, this isn’t exactly a rare occurrence. I’ve seen this all the time in Comp. This has been a common practice that has flown under the radar since 1HL was instituted into Competitive, where Hanzo/Widow/Bastion and Torb/Sym would be repeatedly, spitefully, auto-locked. It forces that one-trick player to either pick a different hero before setup time ends, or waiting it out and getting AFK kicked so they lose 50 SR.

All paths lead to someone getting hurt.

People have even done this for meta heroes as well. I’ve had this happen to myself playing Winston or D.Va every now and then too.


Yup. That is definitely gameplay sabotage. Report.


One-tricks shouldn’t even exist. You can’t prevent someone from playing one of the 27 heroes on offer. You didn’t buy the rights nor the priority in picking said hero first. If someone else got your OTP, perhaps you should consider broadening your horizon and branching off to other picks – even if it’s just for 10 minutes or the first point.


See above post where I explained a scenario;


Yeah you can tell me that but I’ve played with Widow mains that are both good on attack and defense. When I dropped to silver playing with two friends, I got teamed up with someone who played 877 hours on Widow only and never landed a shot on either attack or defense.

So I’d rather another person take Widow on a good map from the OTP if they play her better.

Not a chance would that report stand under review. Get over it.


Those One Tricks, should EXPAND THEIR HERO POOL.

Outside of a micro-community edge case (the legally disabled playing Sym) there is LITERALLY no excuse.



Yes, that is throwing and is an acceptable reason to report, but as I said in my first example, if someone takes a widow from a one trick, and actually tries their hardest, the has no rights to demand to get their hero.


An angry Mercy player locked me out of Lucio once because he told me not to use him, and I stubbornly refused, going on to outheal him anyway.

Like, he was mad that his insistence that I was the weak link was wrong, and I didn’t dare listen to his sage advice. He was literally mad I helped us do well on our first round.

Second round, he locked me out. I went Moira instead. Still outhealed him while he kept dying, because- surprise surprise- he didn’t know what to do with Lucio.

Don’t be a dick.


Lol. Nope, picking a character is not a reportable offense no matter how much it puts your team at a disadvantage.

That’s not answering my question.

If you deflect it as being the one-trick’s fault, when all of the actions and fault derives from a teammate, then it’s not about the one-trick. It’s about the teammate.

Is that teammate reportable? Yes or no? Why? Why not?