Instead of hero pool why not players choice of ban?

People would just ban meta, or worse, waste a ban slot.

Heck, people in this game are more likely to be at each other throats than working with each other. This forum is the prime example of people being retards with each other here.

Thats kind of everywhere in any hero shooter, i mean that retardation towards each other. Even full pve games suffer from those but i believe that bans if they appear must be player controlled because thats the most fair approach.

I just had enough of this player base in general.
Cause I know if ban is introduced, they are just gonna fluffed it up somehow.

Right. But thatā€™s targeting via stats. Not ā€œI hate doomfist he annoys me van him. Oh we didnā€™t ban doomfist Iā€™m going to throw my game then. Next time listen to me or else.ā€ This community has proven time and time again they are not trustworthy enough to make choice that are best for the team.

Its still the same deal, do you honestly think that the guy who would throw because your team did not ban doom wouldnt not throw throught the week if his main is banned by Blizzard?

We are talking about people who would rather make their team lose because on of the players choosed Lucio instead of Baptiste and this is somehow bad for him.

Also not just the community but Blizzard too prove it from time to time again and again that they are not trustworthy enough to make choices what are good for the game.

Rolequene and forced 2-2-2 enforcing 10-20 minute wait-times for 1 third of the playerbase for sure decreased our population harshly, the frequent complaints about the report abuse too remain unsolved just aswell as many other problems.

They even said that hero banning is a bad idea they would never do and we are here talking about alternative hero banning ideas because they want to introduce one.

Heres what i see if their plan goes throught:

  1. Because its based on popularity aka usage it will make the vast majority of people REALLY angry. Theres no other way they could do this except with pure randomisation what cant change metas.
  2. It will ban atleast 2 hero from each roles generating even more salt among the playerbase because it shrinked down the already small tank/support roles.
  3. The players deciding to not play while their mains are down will cause an expected increase in the wait times once again, i think of atleast +5 minutes.

Any other sceniario will create different kind of outrages and my illustration upper was the most ideal version of their own plan.

The player base has abused every tool Blizzard gives them to try and make the game better. Players would end up banning heroes they donā€™t want in their matches.

Cause ppl will get salty and characters like Mercy will never see the light of day. Not only that but how will you set it up? Two bans per role? Even then some people will just be salty and ban the likes of Mercy and sheā€™ll never get played.

Maybe the devs can use this as a way to, yā€™know, do something about heroes that suck to play against universally?

Yes, they can look at the opponents name. They do it in League all of the time, itā€™s not that hard to look up someoneā€™s profile with online resources like Overbuff or

??? u know the names are blocked out. u only see the names once everything is locked in.
u can only use overbuff and for ur own team.

Butā€¦thats the literal point of a hero ban system.

Every ban system was created to remove something the players dont like, hero, skill, weapon, etcā€¦ thats the literal reason these exist.

I have already said it but heres how i imagine it:

  1. Both teams get 3 bans.
  2. The 3 highest elo player from both teams can ban.
  3. Each player can only ban 1 hero.
  4. After a ban the other team can ban the next hero.
  5. You cant see your opponent at all just only the map you play.
  6. You cant talk to your opponents.

Mind you that Blizzards plan most likely will ban 2 heroes from each role what will be already salt inducing but this way you actually have a chance during the whole week to play what you main.

I can bring up Paladins where despite that the char Zhin is hated as hell people can still play him because regardless how much people hate him we rather ban someone who is actually dangerous for our setup like a sniper or an aoe heal.

Maybe I should be more clear.

If and when heroes are more balanced people would ban the so called ā€œlow skillā€ heroes because they donā€™t like them. People would also ban heroes that counter the one they are going to pick.

People will stop banning based on ā€œthis hero is OPā€ and start banning on personal bias reasons.

Yeah but that all personal bias. This guy is OP, hes my counter, shes low skill, thats all somekind of personal bias.

The point is with personal bias in the picture you still have daily chance to play doom/widow/sym/whatever we hate currently because when every person is different but with blizzards plan you get a whole week where you just dont play what you want.

Balance will never be perfect thats for sure but one of the reason of these ban systems is to create better chances throught player decisions you can ban widow in a matchup where no one uses pharah and it will be a wasted ban but at the same time you could decide to ban pharah to make sure your opponent doesnt take advantage of your all projectile setup.

OK then, what if you see someone on your team that you know is a 1 trick. Iā€™ll use Chro as an example. You see him and know heā€™s a Junkrat 1-trick so you vote to ban Junkrat? Iā€™m telling you it would be abused just like every single other tool Blizzard adds to the game to try and let the community make the game better.

Reporting abused.
LFG abused.
Endorsements abused.

You forgot the most important and oft-abused one - multiple accounts.

I agree bans would be better than pools but i donā€™t think that only the highest ranked in each match should be allowed to ban.

Theres a solution for that, while you are voting for the ban you cant see player names.

Chat is still there but instead of nicknames you see Player1, Player2 and soo on.

You guys are trying soo hard to prove how its abuseable when half of the attempts can be fixed by some common sense designs.

That wasnā€™t something Blizz added to the game to try and remove toxic players.

Blizzard havenā€™t added anything to try and remove toxic players.

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Endorsements were designed to do that.
LFG was designed to allow people who wanted set groups to make them and stop toxic people telling what heroes others should play.