Insane losing streak

I am on an insane losing streak.
Every single game I have a thrower or an insanely bad player on my team.
Currently I am on a 15 lose streak.
Here is last replay code.
Our soldier had 5k dmg only vs 21k dmg enemy soldier…

The very next game: DV2C6Q
AFK hard thrower, openly admits it…


Don’t play on the weekends if your only option is solo. The match quality is always very poor on the weekends. If you can only play on the weekends, go on the Overwatch Discord and find people to play with. That is really all you can do if you want a more enjoyable experience on the weekends. Good luck.


that’s just unlucky though… Your technically equally as likely to have those same people but on the enemy team. it does suck tho. GG go next


They should put this warning on the que screen.

Man i got hella tilted this evening and rage quit after waiting in spawn for the game to end.

This game is just grief on the weekends.


About 90% loss rate in 40 games.

Statistically this should be extremely unlikely but it has happened to me and many others.

Matchmaking is rigged and designed to manipulate the players.


Yeah I went 4-15 in my last set for plat. A whole bunch of leavers (6 in a row at one point), toxic throwers, and it’s been like that across all role queue and open queue.
Team 4 needs to take a hard look at how matchmaking is working.


currently I am on 40% winrate only…
Interesting to drasticaly deranking from gold 1 to silver 2 in open queue and be called smurfing, while in role queue I am platinum…

Yeah this always happens to me every time I climb to Platinum in solo queue as a Healer. I know one shouldn’t anthropomorphize an algorithm, but it’s SUCH a consistent trend. It feels like the match maker purposes to pair me with low rank DPS and tanks as soon as I get somewhere that makes me happy. Match after match I’ll get the people who simply press W, die, and do it all over again. Less than 5 kills between all three of them. I want to complain about it! Why can’t I be on the teams of similar skill level to me? Why is that SO much to ask?? I hate this constant rubber banding between ranks when it isn’t due to skill inconsistency, but team inconsistency.


BUMP lol because we’ve all been there. Idiotic losses that actually shouldn’t be but it’s there because of randoms playing the game like it’s call of duty.


I feel this, I had ONE bad run and de-ranked from diamond due to throwers and bad teammates. Now I’m stuck in plat with even more throwers and bad teammates every game.

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It happened to me every overwatch 2 season in the mid season. somehow I had to go through a losing streak. but I was able to climb back to where I was. I think the dev try to drag you into losing streak in order to keep you playing the game. Very bad decision, Dev team.


and you had those throwers in the next 13 games as well?

IDK I’ve been playing solo all weekend and won most of my games.

Why do you keep playing if you keep losing games? If you lose 3+ games in a row just STOP, take a break, do something else, come back. Going beyond that it’s just pure tilt whether you realize it or not.

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I’m a masters/gm player across the board. I’ve never had the bad coin flip games in a while. I’ve had it moreso this season. I’ve also seen diamond vs gm in their respective roles… this is not a good matchmaker. They need to focus on quality matches and stop focusing on queue times at this point.

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Losing streak started by being matched vs master and diamond players while I was gold 1.
Once I have dropped enough I started to get potatoes, throwers, and leavers on my team.
What are the chances for a run like that? Surely it can happen, but very unlikely to happen by bad luck…

The idea this has anything to do with luck, or mentality or anything like that is absurd. The matchmaker is completely and utterly broken and rigged. Just stop playing.


Imagine huge lose streak plus long queue time.

same thing here. 10 games in a row and 4 - 15 overall. got deranked with insane games as a solo queuer. its amazing that some games you have players for example tank that know the game, play corners etc and then you get games where the tank charges into 5 players yolo all the time, is insta dead nonstop and then flames support. or dps having 4-15 stats that do not switch and an enemy where everbody is counterswitching nonstop. i mean the game quality has to improve. 2 somewhat balanced games out of 10 games is not enough imho

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" If you lose 3+ games in a row just STOP, take a break, do something else, come back. Going beyond that it’s just pure tilt whether you realize it or not."

Just no. Tilt implies that you are performing worse because of your mood. Tilt can happen, but if you are performing worse it will be easily recognizable in your stats.

The causes for many of these losses we are talking about are easily seen in the stats of one or 2 other terrible players. That’s not tilt no matter how much you want to insist “but it is!”

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Yea I don’t actually tilt until like 15 straight losses or so. That is the point at which I give up, stop caring and ironically around the same point that I start actually getting decent teammates again and go on a massive win streak. It’s a vicious cycle of handicapping.

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It’s hard for me, because I want to know if I got to the next rank or not. You’ll go 4-0 and then have bad luck and lose 9, which happened to me today. I probably ranked up, but I’ll never know. I wasn’t tilted(did well). The games were jacked. I don’t usually lose that many, but it’s Saturday and towards the end of the season. I don’t really care, because I know early season is easy. I was disappointed though.

It’s like GD just show me where I stand already!