How is it any of my fault when half my team decides to leave and no matter how hard I try I still get punished with SR loss? Maybe change it to where if two or more ppl leave, SR gain/loss is negated so this situation stops happening. I’ve lost a whole rank because of this issue and can’t gain it back because of said same issue (struggles of a support main). Punishing the players does one thing, but this helps stop innocent players from suffering as well. Thank you.
It would be abused if someone could leave a game without punishing the rest of the team. If you play enough it will even out in the long term of games won vs games lost due to leavers. The one thing I would change is that leavers have way too much time at the start of a match to just cancel a game with no sr gain/loss for either side other than the leaver. I’ve had games where I’m literally seconds away from capping point A and a leaver cancels the game completely. I guess the lesson to be learned in that situation is not to steamroll the other team too quickly or the game wont count for anything.
I definitely feel like the leavers should be punished, but it’s absolutely frustrating losing that much SR because of it, and I’ve personally lost a lot. It’s especially difficult being a support main as we don’t get hardly any SR gain unless we win 4-5 games to actually climb. I just feel like it’s unfair to the players that were trying their hardest, only to suffer because of leavers. They don’t deserve to be punished for someone else’s actions. Negating SR gain/loss and treating it like a draw would help minimize those players from being unfairly punished, but the leavers still get punished themselves.
Adjusting someones rank when its a 5v6 contradicts the definition of SR, which is how you do in a SIX v SIX game.
It should cancel the match in 5 seconds. And leavers should be banned from the season after 2 or 3 leaves.
Add to that the fact that a 50/50 win/loss rate is forced on you, it’s not a system that supports the raw definition of SR.
Instead of voting for play cards, you should be able to either upvote or downvote your teammate at the end of a match. Within any given rank, lets say 2300, the game can pair people according to the amount of down or up votes they receive. So toxic people who throw and avoid bans will eventually be paired with other bad players at the same rank.
The “evens out” argument is silly. Its way to frustrating to play comp tbh. Throwers and leavers makes about 70-80% of my losses. If I had an actual fight for it Id be fine but when ppl ruin everything by leaving or throw all their bitterness all over the team before the game even starts. Nah. Not worth it
Also maybe kick everyone off comp and make it so you legit need to go online and register to play competitive. It’s COMP, make it a bit more fancy than just a longer QP…
Not exploitable. In no way is a random person leaving no one knows punishing a whole team exploitable. Quit saying it. Everyone who says it clearly doesn’t understand random. In lower ranks you will also probably never see this person again.
The biggest problem with the whole upvoting/downvoting thing is it’s tough getting love as a support main, which means I’d probably get downvoted a LOT since genji died ulting away from me or reaper flanked too far. The supports would take a major hit and that wouldn’t be fair for them.
As for the leavers, yeah, the match cancels in the beginning portion, but what if a player disconnects, but another gets upset and leaves, throwing the game? Now we lost TWO players, and suffer the SR loss. Treating that kind of situation, where TWO or more people leave/disconnect, as a draw would help save the innocent players.
Idk, I just feel like comp as a whole is plagued with toxicity, making it a frustrating thing to play at any level diamond and below.
I agree. Statistically, the games should even out however I don’t really want to play a million matches to get the benefit of the law of averages.
Thats what im saying, no matter at what point someone leaves, the game should cancel.
And people who leave a match in any fashion, 1st or second should all be punished SEVERELY.
The only way to get out of a match without punishment NEEDS to be either a 6v6 end/result, OR the game being cancelled (for those still left).
It is possible to exploit a system where a match is cancelled at any time by a leaver. If a team is losing, a player can disconnect to save their team from a loss. While this is unlikely in solo queue, it is possible in group setups. However, if the penalty is severe, a group would have to have a lot of accounts to “throw away” to make this happen. Another possibility is to penalize the whole group (albeit maybe to a lesser extent) if a group member leaves. It just means you have to be careful with whom you group. This system could also be extremely frustrating for the winning team if the losing team can just cancel the game.
Maybe an in between system where the SR gain/loss is estimated based on the game performance to that point?
I’m in a 6 stack and my team is about to lose a game. I say to my friends “Hey guys, I’ll take the hit for this one” and leave the game and my none of my friends lose SR nor does the other team gain any SR. Exploited. Or I don’t even have to be in a stack. I could be salty for literally any reason and decide to screw the other team out of a win.
While true, you would only be able to do that once or twice a day due to the escalating time penalties. If the match is cancelled, the other team loses some time but their SR is not affected while you as the leaver finds yourself unable to play. Perhaps a leaver should not be allowed back after a certain time but rather needs to win a certain number of QP matches before comp is unlocked again. That forces a player to start trying to win again before going back into comp.
The reason punishments aren’t overly harsh is because a certain percentage of leavers are people who dc’d. I’m sure Blizzard considered every possible option before deciding on the system we have in place now. It is far from perfect but I’ve yet to see a better recommendation.
I’d always wish after the grace period finished. The game would end. The leaver team would be defeated the other victory. Instead of drawing it out. It’s basically decided once it’s 5vs6.
Reward the winning team regardless and punish stacks.
If a player on your team in a professional sports match always randomly fell asleep, you’d still ban him.
I don’t understand why people are so forgiving. It’s competitive. If you’re throwing, or have bad connection and ruin it for teams, you are not welcome here.
Whilst I do not deny that leaving is an issue, I’ve also seen a lot of people leaving due to disconnections which is frustrating!
However, during the course of a whole season, I probably gain as much SR from people leaving/disconnecting on the apposite team than I lose when it happens on my team. I’d bet that some seasons you may end up negative SR due to leavers, some you may end up positive due to people leaving on the other team.
please stop banning people because our internet takes a reset by the ISP. I would have rejoined the team but you banned me for 30mins. I was gone for less than a couple of mins waiting for a service provider reboot… are you really so out of touch with what your community has to deal with while playing???
Why don’t you have a post titled “Fortunate player enjoying wins due to enemy leavers”?